Pardon the New Look (It's Not Permanent)

This Lamp is created using RapidWeaver--not just the blog, but the whole site. They've released a public beta this morning of a new version to the software, and considering I've already found some bugs, it's definitely betaware. Regardless, the template I was using for the site was third party and has not yet been updated to v. 3.5. So I'm temporarily using one of the new RapidWeaver templates. I don't really like this one, but of all the new ones, it was the only one with a white background (other than that one with a skateboard). It seems like there's some problems with the comments in a few places. Hopefully, I can figure this out soon.

One good thing though is that I finally have true permalinks. I've been inserting them manually since November for folks who occasionally might want to link to a blog. I think the old links will still work, but I'll also gradually be removing my old permalinks. Look for the new ones at the top of the post.

I've also had to consolidate my menu structure because this template only supports menus on top (yuck) and then only one row. Everything's still here. You might just have to look around.

As soon as my former template is updated or if the RapidWeaver folks release some different templates, I'll change again.