NLT Study Bible Review for BSM Now Online

The March/April issue of Bible Study Magazine contains a review by yours truly of the NLT Study Bible. There is now a PDF posted on their website to my review. I’ve been asked to link to their preview page as opposed to directly linking to the PDF which is understandable so that you can see all that Bible Study Magazine has to offer. So when you get to the preview page, scroll down about halfway until you see this section:

Then click on the image or the words “NLT Study Bible” for the full review in PDF format.

If you want to read more about what I’ve written on the NLT and NLT Study Bible, you might want check out the following:

My original review of the NLT
My original (and longer) review of the NLT Study BIble
Rise of the New Living Translation
Repositioning the NLT as a “Scholarly” Translation
