Review: CEV Outreach Edition Bible
Here's the timeline:
- On December 12, 2007, Lingamish (a.k.a Lingermush, a.k.a. Flingafish, a.k.a David Ker) emailed me asking if I'd be willing to review the CEV Outreach Edition Bible, which he was willing to send me for free. Since I think David is a swell guy, and because I have a psychological inability to turn down a free Bible, I agreed.
- On December 13, David announced on his blog that he was giving away a case of CEV Outreach Edition Bibles.
- On December 15, Steve Ker (David's father) emailed me saying that he had mailed the Bible.
- On December 21, Kathy and I left for Louisiana for the holidays. I looked in my mailbox one last time before we pulled out, but sadly the Bible had not yet arrived.
- Late Monday, December 31, we returned. The Bible had arrived when I got my mail from my neighbor on January 1.
- Today is the first chance I've had to write something. My apologies. Hope it isn't too late.
When David originally emailed me asking me to review the CEV Outreach Edition Bible (CEVOEB from here on), he stressed that he wanted my opinion primarily on three factors: (1) strength of binding, (2) attractiveness, and (3) suitability for a Bible to give to an unbeliever. So, I'll follow that general outline, perhaps slightly altering the categories.
The CEVOEB is a paperback Bible of approximately 840 pages. It measures 5 1/4" x 8 1/4" and looks to be about an inch thick. The paper is newsprint and the binding is glued. I wouldn't think that the CEVOEB is designed to be a legacy Bible, but that doesn't mean it will disintegrate overnight. I still have a paperback Good News for Modern Man NT that belonged to my parents and dates from the late sixties or early seventies. All pages are intact and it has the same binding as the CEVOEB. Further, I have a paperback NRSV that I got at the Urbana '96 Missions Conference which I've carried in my vehicle ever since I got it for times when I needed a Bible and didn't bring one of my "regulars." It's even withstood rainy weather at the Cornerstone Festival and keeps on going. All that to say, that although the CEVOEB is designed as an economical (they sell for $2.15 each on the ABS website) outreach, there's no need to fear that it might not stand up to continued use.
The biblical text of the CEVOEB is presented in two columns. To conserve space (i.e., take up as few pages as possible), there is very little margin between these columns, but a vertical line is used to divide them. The text includes the full complement of CEV textual notes at the bottom of the page in a single column. In what I believe is a standard feature of the CEV itself, the only technical abbreviations in these notes beyond those for the books of the Bible, are c. (CIRCA), OT, NT, and LXX.
Considering the purpose of this Bible (an economical outreach edition), my only real complaint for this edition is the size of the print. However, that may just be me, as regular readers of this blog will note that I almost always complain about text size. I would guess that the text is about a 7 pt. size, but it may be smaller. It uses a serifed font with bold type for chapter and section headings. I can read it without my reading glasses if I try, but it's much better with them on. I personally, would not want to spend long periods of time reading text this size, but again, that's me, and a younger person's eyes probably wouldn't have any problem with this text (I used to carry a pocket Bible when I was in high school and college, but don't use it anymore).
One feature of this Bible I really like is that it separates the biblical texts from the helps which are included in the back of the Bible. I know from experience working with people who have little or no background with the Bible that often the helps get confused with actual scripture. That shouldn't happen with this edition, but I do believe it would be a good idea for the person giving away this Bible to point out the helps in the back.
Following the Book of Revelation, one finds three helps, a section called "What's In the Bible," a mini-dictionary, and maps. The text of these sections is sans-serifed and easier to read in my opinion than the main scripture text. The text of the mini-dictionary is the largest continuous text in the entire Bible.
The "What's In the Bible" section contains brief introductions to the various books of the Bible. The information is very basic and short (about one paragraph per treatment) and not meant to be a scholarly introduction. Some books are treated together such as 1 & 2 Samuel, Ezra and Nehemiah and the four gospels.
The mini-dictionary is arranged topically, but includes both a section index and an alphabetical index. I like these kinds of features in Bibles of any sort (similar to the HCSB bullet point dictionary or the Dictionary of TNIV terms in Bibles of those translations). The meaning of some words, especially those of a cultural or historical nature are impossible to fully communicate in a translation. These kinds of dictionaries are the answer in my opinion, barring notes at the bottom of the actual text. An example of one of these entries in the CEVOEB is that for Amalekites which is under the heading "Cities, Nations, and Groups of People." Here the Amalekites are simply explained to be "A nomadic nation living mostly in the area south and east of the Dead Sea. They were the enemies of Israel." The mini-dictionary contains more than just definitions for mere words, however. It also includes items such as important dates in biblical history (designated using "BC" and "AD") and there is also a listing of the months in the Hebrew calendar.
Following the mini-dictionary the reader will find ten black and white maps: four on the OT and six for the NT, although four of the latter are half-page maps. An index to these maps would have probably been helpful.
The CEVOEB has almost all of the standard features one would expect in an outreach Bible. Some outreach Bibles include "plans of salvation," but since such plans have come under scrutiny in recent years, perhaps it's best to let the presenter decide how to communicate the Good News.
One of the greatest strengths of this edition is the Contemporary English Version itself, an excellent "introductory" translation and one that has enough solid scholarship behind it that it can receive continued use even as a person matures as a believer. This review is not designed to be one for the CEV, although I would expect that I will do that eventually (right now I'm working on a review of the NET Bible). Personally, I would never give away a formal equivalent translation in an outreach situation, but rather offer median to dynamic equivalent translations instead. But even median translations often presuppose a certain amount of biblical literacy, so a purely dynamic translation like the CEV is ideal for the unchurched and in situations in which the presenter simply doesn't know the receiver's background.
The only real complaint I've ever had with the CEV is its flattening of Hebrew parallelism. However, discussion on Hebrew poetic structure are probably not going to come up in outreach situations, so this would not be a concern here for me.
In the past, I've given away outreach editions of the NIV, NLT, and GNT. I'd have no qualm in giving out this edition. It's a very good choice.
Because of its size and format, the CEVOEB looks more like a paperback book than a Bible, also making it ideal for outreach purposes. It can be thrown into a backpack easily, and because of the price, one will not worry too much about it getting banged up a bit.
As mentioned earlier, the American Bible Society offers these Bibles for $2.15. However, looking up the same ISBN on Amazon shows them going for as low at 1¢ (yes, one cent). Now, buyer beware as often resellers find what they believe is an equivalent ISBN for what turns out to be a different product; but nevertheless, if you are wanting to find the CEVOEB at an even cheaper price, this might be the ticket.
Regardless, David, this is a good choice and an excellent outreach Bible. Sorry the review took so long to post!
Bible Version Cage Match Round 3 Posted at Lingamish

If you are just now tuning into the series, be sure to read Round 1 (also written by David) and Round 2 (written by yours truly).
READ THIS NEXT SENTENCE VERY FAST TO GET THE SENSE OF HOW I INTEND IT TO BE HEARD: And of course, there's still the post out there that was almost Round 3, in which David called his method and motives a scam, but I thought he was referring to the whole series as a scam, and I took great offense because the work on my part was certainly 100% scam-free, but David
Stay tuned because at some point in the near future, Round 4 will be posted here. I haven't selected a passage yet, but if you have suggestions, feel free to post them as long as your motives aren't "scam-motivated."
The Bible Version Cage Match: Round Two (NLT vs. CEV: Job 16:18-22)
Pre-Fight Commentary

This post is the second in a series suggested a few weeks ago by Lingamish (a.k.a David Ker) to compare the New Living Translation (NLT) to the Contemporary English Version (CEV). Why these two versions? Well, it seems that back in February, Bible translator and blogger Wayne Leman ran some tests on 14 different English translations of the BIble. The goal was to determine which translations best represented current standard English. Only two translations scored in the top ten percentile: the NLT and CEV with scores of 90% and 94%, respectively (which is really, really good if you care to look at how some of the other translations scored).
These kinds of tests are extremely significant because how well a translation represents standard English can determine how well it connects with a reader. Now, I read from multiple translations in comparison with the original languages when I study a passage on my own. But I'm very picky about what translation I use to read aloud in public. And sometimes I will use different ones based on different audiences as well as whether I am teaching (which is more interactive with my audience) or preaching (which is more passive for my audience).
This is a big change for me because up until a couple of years ago, I used the NASB in public probably 90% of the time. Although I love the literalness of the NASB and still use it in private, I came to the conclusion that it just was no longer suitable for general public use. In fact, out of the 14 translations Wayne surveyed, the NASB (which scored a 23%) only had two translations come in lower: the KJV (11%) and the ASV (6%). But I didn't need Wayne's study to convince me of the NASB's public shortcomings, I determined that a couple of years ago when teaching a half-year long study on Romans. I found myself having to translate the NASB's wording to my audience. And generally, a person shouldn't have to translate a translation.
Now, in Round 1, David made this a virtual cage match by including two other Bible versions for reference points--the NIV and Eugene Peterson's The Message. As far as I understand, the rules of this little challenge only applies to comparing the NLT and CEV. But for my supporting translations, I'm going to include the NASB and the original 1996 edition of the NLT. I'm including the NASB because I always feel like responsible study of the Scriptures with the use of translations should employ both literal (or formal) and idiomatic (or dynamic) translations together to give the reader a sense of interpretive balance. I'm including the original edition of the NLT because I'm still sorting through the differences between the 1996 and 2004 editions of the NLT. The second edition was a MAJOR update to the NLT, although it probably wasn't played up to be that quite so much by the publisher, Tyndale. But the second edition of the NLT tends to be less paraphrastic (i.e. more literal), and I've even noticed that it tends to employ active voice more often than the earlier version. The differences between these two editions will not play such a significant role in the passage selected below. To distinguish between the two translations, I will refer to the 1996 edition as NLT1 and the 2004 edition as NLTse.
Then I'm going to throw a fifth player into the cage. Laura Bartlett of Tyndale was kind enough to send me two review copies of the Cornerstone Biblical Commentary: the volume on Job/Ecclesiastes/Song of Songs and the volume on Matthew & Mark. I'm in the process of trying to evaluate/get a feel for this series, so while the majority of comments will be my own, I may throw in a word or two from the CBC or in this case, August H. Konkel, the writer of the commentary on Job from which I'm taking my passage.
Finally, I've been looking forward to this little series, because in all honesty, I've never used the CEV that much, and I'm glad for the opportunity to better familiarize myself with it.
The Main Event: Job 16:18-22
For my first contribution to these rounds, I followed David's lead and chose an Old Testament poetic passage. Hebrew poetry, rich in idioms and imagery can often be very difficult to translate into another language. A common idiom in one language and culture may be totally lost in a different one. Often an overly literal translation can totally obscure the meaning of a poetic passage, while going to the other extreme can lose the the spirit of the original. To see this played out in another passage in Job, see my post from a while back, "Grinding Another Man's Grain."
Since there are only five verses in this selection, we will look at each one individually with the exception of vv. 20-21.
JOB 16:18 | |
NLTse |
O earth, do not conceal my blood. Let it cry out on my behalf. |
If I should die, I beg the earth not to cover my cry for justice. |
NLT1 |
O earth, do not conceal my blood. Let it cry out on my behalf. |
O earth, do not cover my blood, And let there be no resting place for my cry. |
Job can be particularly difficult to translate in places, and elements of this passage are no exception. Although I have looked at the Hebrew for these verses, David and I decided to make this series of a non-technical nature, and I won't go into any great detail regarding the original languages. However, this verse is as good as any for demonstrating a peculiarity in the CEV, and that is the lack of parallelism in poetic passages. Old Testament poetic passages don't rhyme words as some English poetry does, but rather it rhymes "thoughts." This is known broadly as parallelism, and the verse numbers given to poetic passages in the Bible usually do an adequate job of keeping these parallel ideas together (as we go, I will refer to lines 1 and 2 as A and B, respectively). But the translators of the CEV made a conscious decision to eliminate the parallelism since this style is fairly foreign in our culture. This makes for paraphrasing in the CEV on a much greater scale in poetic passages than in other places because the translators have to determine the main idea of the parallel thoughts and condense them to one thought. Certainly this makes for renderings that are easier to understand by 21st century readers of English, but many will feel that something of the core of Hebrew poetry is lost.
Having said all that, the CEV does a fairly adequate job of reflecting the ideas of both lines in v. 18. In the original structure, line A is a plea to the earth itself--not just the planet, but the very dirt from which we all came and to which we all return. Job feels that he has been served an injustice, not only in the incredible loss he has experienced, but also in the accusations from his so-called friends. Such injustice should not go unnoticed or forgotten, so he cries out to the very earth itself, which will one day cover his body, that his "blood"--that is, his life (or the loss of it) because he assumes that his own death may actually be the next step in his tragic events--will be remembered. The NLT renders line A fairly literally. Line B is not so easily understood. The NASB provides the word "resting" to create a connection to line A, but this may or may not be accurate. What's key here is Job's cry--that the very earth will cry out on his behalf as the NLT somewhat puts it. Although not in parallel form, the CEV quite accurately captures the ultimate idea found in the verse with "If I should die, I beg the earth not to cover my cry for justice," although again, this is somewhat paraphrased as justice is not specifically mentioned but assumed.
JOB 16:19 | |
NLTse |
Even now my witness is in heaven. My advocate is there on high. |
Even now, God in heaven is both my witness and my protector. |
NLT1 |
Even now my witness is in heaven. My advocate is there on high. |
Even now, behold, my witness is in heaven, And my advocate is on high. |
Verse 19 moves the reader to the court in heaven where the Satan of the first two chapters of Job acted in the role of the individual bringing the charge against Job. Although the story of Job never gives any indication that Job was privy to the non-earthly events of chs. 1-2, Job nevertheless acknowledges that he has a defense attorney (to use the modern title) appearing in that same court of heaven on his behalf. We would think of a witness and an advocate (two very closely related words in the Hebrew) as two separate roles in a court of law today, but for Job, these are one and the same person.
Again, here the NLT is fairly literal--this time in both lines. Witness parallels advocate and heaven parallels on high. The CEV inserts the idea that it is God himself who is Job's known defender. God in his omniscience knows the truth about Job's circumstances contrary to the claims of his earthly accusers. This is not necessarily a wrong assertion, but leaves less room for a specifically Christian interpretation of Jesus as mediator such as that found in 1 Tim 2:5, "For there is only one God and one Mediator who can reconcile God and humanity—the man Christ Jesus" (NLT) or 1 John 2:1, "But if anyone does sin, we have an advocate who pleads our case before the Father. He is Jesus Christ, the one who is truly righteous" (NLT). Nevertheless, the CEV's insertion of God is in keeping with Konkel's correction (CBC) to the NLT translation in v. 20 (see quote below).
As mentioned above, the NLT's rendering of witness and advocate come from two words that are only slightly different and both of which essentially mean "witness," although many translations will use a word such as advocate for the second word for stylistic purposes in English. The CEV's use of protector for the second word may be a bit of an overstatement. If the idea of a protector may be reflected in some inherent meaning, I could not find reference to such in two lexicons I referenced.
JOB 16:20-21 | |
NLTse |
My friends scorn me, but I pour out my tears to God. I need someone to mediate between God and me, as a person mediates between friends. |
My friends have rejected me, but God is the one I beg to show that I am right, just as a friend should. |
NLT1 |
My friends scorn me, but I pour out my tears to God. Oh, that someone would mediate between God and me, as a person mediates between friends. |
My friends are my scoffers; My eye weeps to God. O that a man might plead with God As a man with his neighbor! |
I am treating vv. 20-21 together because the CEV condenses the two verses to one sentence as seen in the table above. The CEV translators may have taken this route because v. 20 is one of those notoriously difficult verses to translate that I've already mentioned. August Konkel, in the Cornerstone Biblical Commentary on Job, makes these remarks which will no doubt be of interest to some of my readers:
The uncertainties of the flow of thought and the ambiguity of the vocabulary of this verse have led to various translations. The older English versions (KJV, RSV) are followed by some more recent versions (NRSV, NLT) in moving the thought back to mocking friends in contrast to the advocate before God in heaven. This, however seems to be an unwarranted disruption of thought. Job has declared that his advocate is in heaven (16:19), and his weeping eyes look to this advocate to defend his case with God (16:20b-21). It is unlikely the intervening line refers to mocking (assuming that melitsay is a participial form of the verb lits... . It is more probably the verse continues the thought of an advocate (melits), the same sense of the word used by Elihu (33:23). The problem then is the identity of the advocate. Rather than meaning "friend," rea'...may be an Aramaic loan word meaning "thought" or "intention" (Koehler and Baumgartner 4:1171). The latter word is assumed in the Gr. translation and various modern versions (REB, NJB): the argument (or prayer) of Job will act as an advocate for him. This would be the same thought Job expressed earlier (13:15-16): his salvation would be that he could make his case before God so that truth might prevail. However, Job was advancing that thought in his speech. If truth is to prevail, there must be a witness to the truth. That witness is in heaven (16:19), and that witness can be none other than God, for he alone knows the whole truth. In tears Job looks to God (16:20), for God is the advocate in heaven who must plead his case. Rather than "my friends mock me," we must translate "my advocate is my Friend." Though God has treated Job as an enemy, Job declares that God is yet his friend and will defend his case (16:21). Job's faith advances as the dialogue progresses [p. 118].
A comment about 20b: the NLT is fairly literal in a number of points in this passage, but the translators chose not to be quite so literal here as the NASB's "My eye weeps to God." While this image might work fine in Hebrew thinking, in Western thought eyes don't weep. Eyes shed tears; people weep. Perhaps one might think I'm splitting hairs or that the Hebrew writer was creating a personification of the eye representing the whole person. Nevertheless, even the KJV opts to avoid over-literalness here with "but mine eye poureth out tears unto God" (the reader will remember that italicized words in the KJV represent those words added to the text for clarity." The NLT's "but I pour out my tears to God" probably communicates the idea best to today's readers, but admittedly lacks some of the rhythm found in the KJV.
Verse 21 is the only place in this passage where the NLT1 differs from the NLTse. The NLT1's exclamation beginning with "Oh" follows the Tyndale tradition, but probably doesn't reflect the Hebrew best. The matter of fact rendering of the NLTse probably best represents the spirit of the original. Job simply states that he needs a mediator! Interesting side point: the original uses son of man (ben-’adam) in line B as a parallel, but very few translations (cf. ASV) have ever translated it as such.
JOB 16:22 | |
NLTse |
For soon I must go down that road from which I will never return. |
Because in only a few years, I will be dead and gone. |
NLT1 |
For soon I must go down that road from which I will never return. |
For when a few years are past, I shall go the way of no return. |
If there was any doubt as to whether Job feared death was approaching, v. 22 makes it clear that he feared his life was the only thing he had yet to give. The NLT is not overly literal here, and in fact, borrows road from line B and moves it to line A. Nevertheless, the Hebrew idiom of a "road of no return" is well retained. The CEV, on the other hand, seems a bit too unpoetic with it's plain "Because in only a few years, I will be dead and gone."
And the winner is...
Both the NLT and the CEV faithfully deliver the essence of the message of Job 16:18-22 in their versions. The CEV's attempt at combining vv. 20-21 is somewhat understandable considering the difficulty of v. 20, for which even Tyndale's Cornerstone Biblical Commentary makes a correction to the NLT text. Nevertheless, if I'm reffing this cage match, I'm going to proclaim the NLT the winner for not only presenting the text in a very readable style by today's standards (as does the CEV) but also for holding a bit closer to the style, form, and idiom of the original more often.
Bible Version Cage Match Coming Soon
New Living Translation vs. Contemporary English Version
Check this space later in the week.
In the meantime, be sure to read round one over at Lingamish.