Overdue Books

You know who you are... 

Finally, after a lot of work, our library is back in order with everything where it should be on the shelf... almost. I have a few books that are missing, and there's a good chance that perhaps someone reading this will remember that I loaned you this or that particular book. You don't necessarily have to give it back immediately, but if you would be so kind as to let me know you have it, so that I don't have to order a replacement.

Here are the books that are missing:
• Watts, Isaiah 34-66 (Word Biblical Commentary) 
• Foulkes, Ephesians (Tyndale New Testament Commentary) 
• Hull, Jesus Christ Disciple-Maker 
• McDowell, The Islam Debate 
• Blomberg, Interpreting the Parables 
• Stein, Introduction to the Parables 
• Morris, Apostolic Preaching of the Cross

If you would like to see our complete list of books, now that they are in order, go to our library page on my main website.

As I said, if you have my copy of any of the above books, please let me know. Thanks!