Nifty Leopard Tricks: Windows Machines on the Network Have a Blue Screen of Death

In the new Macintosh Leopard finder, Windows machines showing up on the network are represented as a CRT monitor with a blue screen of death.

Here is a screenshot taken of computers on the SBTS library's wifi network. The very top machine listed under shared is a Mac which if highlighted shows an OS X aqua background. But the rest of the computers are Windows machines and if you look closely at the one I selected you'll see it's representing the dreaded blue screen of death indicating a system failure of some kind..

Paul Thurrott calls this "lame and childish" and says that it's hubris on Apple's part since a bug in the installation of Leopard caused some folks to get a blue screen of their own. Personally, I find it simply to be an amusing and friendly jab at Microsoft from Apple. But then again, my installation went smoothly Happy

Oh, and contrary to what the screen above shows, I did NOT connect to someone else's computer. I wouldn't do that without permission!