Twenty Years Ago Today

Kathy and I went on our first date on September 10, 1988. We went to dinner at Ernesto’s in West Monroe, Louisiana, and saw the 1988 remake of the Blob. Kathy pretended to be scared so that she could hold my hand. In spite of a speeding ticket that I got that night, we both had a wonderful time. From that very evening, I knew we were meant for each other and this was the girl I was going to marry. When I took Kathy home that evening, because I knew I wanted to go out with her again, I decided not to try to kiss her goodnight. I was afraid of scaring her off. So right before she went inside, she surprised me with a quick kiss, because as she says, she wanted to make sure I asked her out again.

Happy anniversary, my Kathleen. I look forward to the next twenty years and many more after that.