Kathy's Colloquy

When I started my blog in the last month of 2003, Kathy was inspired enough to start one, too. Her original vision was to base discussion about issue and events concerning her role as a "library media specialist" (I hope I got that title right) at Simpsonville Elementary where she works. I used to tease her that her blog wasn't so much of a blog as an online bulletin board of upcoming events.

Left neglected for quite some time, Kathy has decided to refocus her blog toward other things. She writes in a new posting, "Although many of my postings will probably deal with book, library, and education themes, some will inevitably be personal in nature."

Kathy has also renamed her blog. It used to be simply "Simpsonville Elementary Library Blog," but now it has been renamed "Kathy's Colloquy." If you don't like that name, blame me. She was content with a simple title, "Kathy's Blog," but I suggested we find some kind of alliteration.

What's a colloquy? Glad you asked.

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary gives this explanation for "colloquy":

Etymology: Latin colloquium, from colloqui to converse, from com- + loqui to speak
Date: 15th century

1 : conversation, dialogue
2 : a high-level serious discussion : conference

The Oxford American Dictionary adds "a gathering for theological discussions."

All of these definitions are fitting. And Kathy has turned on the comments so that true discussion can take place.

I even suggested she call her blog "Kathy's Kolloquy" for visual alliteration, but she said that everyone would think she doesn't know how to spell "colloquy."

Feel free to stop by Kathy's Colloquy. Encourage her to post because I promise you that her thoughts can be quite engaging. In fact, one might argue that she's more opinionated that I am (I mean that as a compliment, Dear).