Kathy's Ode to the NLT

You know how some people are KJV-only? Well, I think my wife Kathy may be the first official NLT-only believer. And she’s hardcore--only settling for the 1996 NLT1. I can’t get her to switch to the second edition any more than I can get hardcore KJV-only guys to give the NKJV a try. The folks at Tyndale were nice enough to send her a new NLTse (second edition) Life Application Bible, but she mainly uses it for comparison in making her case as to why she likes the NLT1 better.

Sunday, while we were at church, our pastor was preaching from Amos in the NIV, but the words of Scripture on the screen behind him were in the NLT. Kathy saw this as possibly divine interference because she thinks everyone should read from the NLT. She kept nudging me asking, “Why doesn’t he just use the NLT? It’s much easier to understand!” I mumbled something about “1 Corinthians 14:34,” but she just elbowed me even harder.

Don’t tell our pastor, but inspired by the disjunction between speech and screen, Kathy immediately set to writing a little ditty expressing her feelings about the New Living Translation.

You can read it over at her blog (yes, she has one, too) in the post “Ode to the NLT.