Well...It's Certainly Not Seeker Sensitive

Kathy posted the above picture on her blog in an entry entitled "Tact." No, this is not our church, but it is a church in our community. And this actually is their current sign. We took the picture Friday evening.

Their signs usually tend to lean toward disapproving admonitions. A recent sign they ran quoted Psalm 34:13 in the King James Version: “Keep thy tongue from evil, and thy lips from speaking guile.” While that's certainly good advice from Scripture, it's out of the context of the whole psalm--a wisdom psalm--that also includes the hopeful invitation in v. 8 to "Taste and see that the Lord is good. How happy is the man who takes refuge in Him!" Why would they pick v. 13 for the sign over v. 8?

While there is truth in the statement "Turn or Burn," by itself, it lacks the biblical context of the God who loved the world enough to send his only Son (John 3:16). "Turn or Burn" isn't just the gospel dumbed down; it's the gospel deficient. Repentance (turning) alone, while important, isn't enough to save. Faith in Jesus Christ saves.

I often wonder what non-Christians think when they see such signs. I mean, does anyone read that and say, "By golly--they're right! I've got to turn my life around right now so I don't go to hell! And while I'm at it, I think I'll go to this church next Sunday!" Maybe, but somehow I doubt it. I'm just not sure how effective "church sign" evangelism really is. And my hunch is that a sign such as the one above tends to push people away more than draw them closer to the Savior.

Across the street from the church sign above is another church where they use their marquee to announce the title and/or subject of the upcoming Sunday sermon. And a block or so further down the road is my church where we use our signs to announce our schedule and upcoming events. Surely these are better uses of church signs.