An Easter Sonnet

Still early in the morning they drew
Before the tomb, their minds consumed with stone
Inertia their absorption, they bemoaned
His death, and pondered dully what to do.
Could messianic claims be so askew?
Could words of promise shrink to froth and foam?
Was God's own remnant once more left alone?
Could hatred swallow love so wholly true?
      No stone to bar them, nor a corpse to see
      No special seal, no purpose in perfume,
      No stalwart soldiers in full panoply--
      But angel presence and an empty tomb
"He is not here; he's risen, as he said.
Come see the place where once cold lay the dead."

"Sonnet 26"
D. A. Carson,
Holy Sonnets of the Twentieth Century

Sunrise over the Sea of Galilee from the Accordance Bible Lands Photo Guide

Happy Easter!
“He is not here, for He has risen, just as He said.”
(Matt 28:6, NASB)