Call for NT Survey Bibliography Suggestions

Discipline is such a complex thing, isn't it?

No, I'm not back to regular blogging--still officially on hiatus. However, if anyone is still checking in at this point, I need some help with something that has nothing to do with my prospectus.

Back a few months ago, I actually sat down and read the adjunct faculty handbook for IWU and noted that we are encouraged to provide a bibliography of related and further reading in our syllabi. As I've taught new classes, I've been steadily updating old syllabi by adding bibliographies.

In late April, I'll be teaching a NT Survey course at the Louisville branch of IWU. I'm calling for suggestions for the bibliography. Keep in mind that these are not religion majors, but actually business students who are required to take the NT Survey class. I am looking for books that I can recommend for those who want to dig a bit deeper or read a bit further on the subject. Books about the NT, Bible in general, principles of interpretation are the kind of thing I'm looking for.

I don't know how many will actually see this since I've said I am not blogging again until the end of April, but if you have any suggestions, feel free to add them to the comments. And don't tell Kathy that I added a blog entry. I'd get an "I told you so" from her!