Sword in the Fire

My good friend Theron Mathis has just started a new blog, Sword in the Fire which I commend to you.

Theron and I met back in the nineties when he was a student at SBTS. After receiving his M.Div, Theron made a surprising move (to some of us who knew him anyway) and converted to the Greek Orthodox Church. Although he's never said it in exactly this way, I believe Theron wanted a bit more traditio to add to the Reformation diet of Sola Scriptura that he had received. Because he's gone from Evangelical/Baptist circles to an Orthodox point of view, Theron often has some unique insights into issues involving the Bible, the church, and Christian life.

I've enjoyed catching up with Theron in person over coffee these last few months. We have great discussions about the Bible (including textual basis for the Bible!), the value of the Church Fathers for today (of which Theron is very knowledgeable, especially the Eastern fathers), theology, and the role and nature of the church in the modern world. Although we wouldn't agree on some issues, I believe our foundation in Christ Jesus binds us, and thus our conversations have always been cordial and never argumentative.

“There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope at your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is above all and through all and in all.”
(Eph 4:4-6, HCSB)

Much of Theron's blog will be geared to his Sunday School class at St. Michael's in Louisville. However, he has also promised to talk about his journey from Baptist life to the Orthodox Church. I wouldn't be surprised to see some theology and church history thrown in from time to time as well.

In January, Theron wrote a guest blog for me entitled, "Ecumenical Councils at a Glance" that he had earlier used with his class at St. Michael's.

Be sure to check him out.