Update: Firefox and A9

You may remember a previous blog from a couple of weeks ago in which I mentioned a few new internet tools. Specifically, I said you should dump Internet Explorer in favor of Firefox , and I also suggested that you give A9 a whirl in place of Google.

Well, to update you on both of those items, I give you this short blog. Today (November 9) the Mozilla Foundation has released the official final version of Firefox. The previous one was a "preview release," but you can now download the final program--at least the 1.0 final release.

Also, if you go to A9.com , they have released (a few days ago) an A9 toolbar that works with Firefox. Now, you can install the A9 toolbar, and then customize Firefox to remove the Google search window since it will no longer be necessary with the new Firefox toolbar in place.

Firefox and the A9 Toolbar is available for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X (shown below). The A9 Toolbar does not install any spyware on your system like some toolbars.

ABOVE: Firefox 1.0 with A9 Toolbar installed and Google search removed.