Revenge of the Jedi-Sith

Will Lucas get fickle with the title all over again? 

In 1983, we were all anticipating the third installment (now the 6th episode) of the Star Wars movies, The Revenge of the Jedi. We had seen movie posters and even advertisements for Kenner toys with the title. Then suddenly a few weeks before the movie's release, the name was changed to Return of the Jedi. Supposedly, Lucas decided that a Jedi wouldn't seek revenge. Whatever.

Flash forward two decades and the third episode of the Star Wars prequels has been announced with the title Revenge of the Sith. The natural question I have is whether or not Lucas would change the title last minute, but this time as a premeditated stunt?

Most will say that there's no way--that Lucas wanted a title with "Revenge" in it, and now he finally gets to do it. But consider the official description of the Sith from the Star Wars website: "The Sith are masters of the dark side of the Force and the sworn enemies of the Jedi. They were all but exterminated by the Jedi a thousand years ago, but the evil order continued in secrecy. They operated quietly, behind the scenes, acting in pairs - a Master and an Apprentice - patiently biding their time before they could take over the galaxy. In Episode III, they'll finally exact their revenge on the Jedi."

So as you see, the Sith are both returning and seeking revenge. I guess we'll have to wait until about three weeks before the final release.