Blockbuster Stores Reinstate Late Fees

Responsibility without accountability is rarely advantageous to anyone involved.

In reaction to what I would deem further evidence of humanity's proclivity toward sin, many Blockbuster video rental stores are quietly eliminating the no-late fees policy put in place last year. Of course, it was never really "no-fee" anyway. Although they didn't charge the daily fines as was practice in the past, Blockbuster did charge a restocking fee if the video was returned after a set period. Plus, if a renter kept a video out indefinitely, he or she would find a charge for the full price of the video video on the next credit card bill. Message: you keep it out long enough, and it's yours.

Of course, all this was contingent upon the fact that Blockbuster had correct credit card information on its customers. No, I haven't absconded with any unreturned Blockbuster movies to add to my collection. In fact, I can't even remember the last time I rented a movie (which I personally find to be sad). However, even if I had a video from Blockbuster, I would dare say that they do not have any current credit card information on me. My old credit cards were cut up, paid off, and cancelled when I shaved my head and drank
Dave Ramsey's Kool-Aid. And even if they had my debit card information, I couldn't imagine it would be current. So, in my case, all they would be able to do is send nasty fee reminders and phone calls. In the end, according to the article I've linked below, this policy proved to be too expensive for many of the local Blockbusters, especially the independent stores.

I suppose it would be swell to think that out of generosity to its customers, Blockbuster introduced this really nice policy that eliminates one of the nasty aspects of renting videos, the late fee. However, Blockbuster had its own fine print to the deal. And then, again, so did it's customers. The customers' fine print can be read at Psalm 53 and Romans 3:23.

By the way, that reminds me...I owe $5.75 to the Louisville Free Public Library...

Read the full AP story,
"Late Fees Return at Some Blockbusters."