What of Renovaré?

I’ve really gotten a lot out of Dallas Willard’s The Divine Conspiracy (in spite of the Greek grammatical fumble) as I’ve been listening to the unabridged audio version of the book. His characterization of the Kingdom of God as something immanent and experiential has led to great reflection and re-evaluation of both how I look at my world and live my life. I’ll write more on that when I am through with the book (or perhaps after I’ve gone through it a second time).

Since the book has been so good, I thought I might pursue some of his other writings as well as some of his associates in the Renovaré movement. I read Richard Foster’s Celebration of Discipline in 1991 when it was required reading in a Spiritual Formations class, but because it was an assignment, and because there was no follow-up to what we read, it never really had life changing impact upon me. Certainly I’ve looked to that book and some of Foster’s other writings when I occasionally taught on a subject that touched on spiritual disciplines, but I’ve had very little interaction otherwise.

I also just read “A Life Formed in the Spirit,” an interview with Foster in the current (September) issue of Christianity Today. That’s the kind of interview that makes me hungry for more. [And I also hope one day to have a job that allows a cool ponytail like Richard Foster, although Kathy says she won’t allow it.]

So, readers of This Lamp, in all seriousness, what are your thoughts on Renovaré and the attached personalities? Has anyone ever been part of a Renovaré small group, and if so, what is your evaluation? Does anyone have the Renovaré Spiritual Formations Bible? When I look at the Renovaré website, there are so many resources, I wouldn’t even know a good place to jump in. What would you suggest?

I welcome your insights and thoughts.