The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Versions of the Bible

If you've come back here looking to see if I've started the series on Bible versions I promised last week, I'm sorry to disappoint you. As often is the case, I've overestimated my abilities in relation to my time commitments. When I said that I was going to be busy for the next few days, it was an understatement. It's the end of the semester at SBTS which means that we lowly graders are buried under stacks of papers to score. And besides teaching NT Survey at IWU right now, I'll be teaching a writing class that begins next week and a philosophy class the following week. And then of course, there's the two nights on the Da Vinci Code in a week and a half at church as described in the previous blog...oh--and I'm speaking at the senior banquet on the 19th at the school where I used to be chaplain and teach Bible.

But it's mainly the grades. If I can just get through grading these papers... then I'll have all the time in the world...

Stay tuned.