Stupid Computers...

Even I have computer problems. 

A few days ago, a conduit was created for the iBlog software I use to write these blogs to allow me to create a "MoBlog." A moblog is short for mobile blog. What it meant was that I could take a picture from my phone, add a few comments, and email it to an address that would integrate it into this blog. Sounds nifty in concept, but I never could get it to work correctly, even with the help of the friendly folks at .

In trying to get it to work--long story cut short--my iBlog software froze up (I even flashbacked to my days of using Micro$oft Windoze) and I had to terminate the program. When I restarted it again, ALL my blog entries were gone. I've tried since the weekend to get help with this, but Tech Support is in India, and I have been able to exchange one email a night with a tech guy from Lifli Software over the last three days. Convinced they weren't going to be able to help me anyway because the files no longer existed on my hard drive, I gave up and this afternoon just copied and pasted the blog entries back. I was able to do that because all the blogs were on the web from the last time I posted.

What seems stupid to me is that I can't turn it around backwards and recreate the blogs in my software from what is on my website. Seems simple enough to me, but evidently it doesn't work like that. Regardless, everything is back in place. I believe I got all the dates right and the categories right. However, the text is too large and so are my category icons. If I figure out how to fix those, I will.