Eight Maniacal Thoughts toward Bob the Builder

Guest blog from the mind of Andrew Wells

Things That I Desperately Wish Would Happen While Having to Watch Bob the Builder with my son:

8. That the other machines would stage an intervention for Lofty the Crane concerning his self-esteem issues.

7. That Dizzy the Cement Mixer would start taking A.D.D. medication.

6. That the ATF would bust Farmer Pickles for moonshining, since there is no way he can make money giving away eggs.

5. That Mr. Bentley the building inspector would inform Bob that, due to federal regulations, Bob can’t build it.

4. That the town that Bob and company live in would run out of money and therefore be unable to give Bob so many contracts.

3. That Wendy would whistleblow on Bob about his use of shoddy materials and cheap labor.

2. That Rolly the Steamroller would flatten Spud into a bunch of mashed potatoes.

1. That the DVD would spontaneously combust.

Andrew Wells can be contacted at