Accordance Extends Web Presence

I use Accordance Bible software everyday. Everyday. Yes, I do have other Bible software on my MacBook Pro, but Accordance is unparalleled in terms of sophistication and functionality in my experience since switching to the Mac platform in 1998. I use it for 97.5% of what I do in electronic biblical studies.

However, I regularly find that some folks--even Mac users--aren’t familiar with Accordance. Therefore, I’m glad to see Oak Tree Software expanding their web presence. Of course they already had a website, a blog and more, but I’m pleased to see them expanding into resources like their new video podcast as well as creating a YouTube presence.

To my knowledge, here is a fairly complete listing of Accordance’s web presence. If I’ve left anything off, let me know and I’ll add it.

Accordance on the Web

  • Accordance Main Website: the main resource for finding out about Accordance and ordering software
  • Accordance Blog: updated multiple times a week with tips, help and module profiles
  • Accordance Forums: an incredible source for finding help from other users and representatives from Oak Tree software. In fact, Oak Tree has the fastest, personal response to questions I’ve ever seen from any company. Users can also offer their own tips and suggestions as well as request new modules.
  • Accordance FaceBook Page: A great way to keep up with what’s new in Accordance as well as interact with other Facebook Accordance users.
  • Lighting the Lamp Video Podcast: A brand new weekly video podcast hosted by Dr. Timothy Jenney.
  • Accordance YouTube Channel: Features many of the videos available on the main website, but may be easier to embed on personal websites and blogs.
  • Accordance Twitter Account: keep up with all things new and interesting about Accordance via Twitter.
  • Accordance Exchange: At no extra cost, every level of Accordance comes with the ability to create your own user tools, user Bibles, user notes and distribute them to others. The Accordance Exchange is a great resource for accessing these files created by other Accordance users.
  • Banners for User Websites: Accordance users can help to promote Accordance on their own websites and blogs. You’ll see one of these in the left sidebar that I’ve had on This Lamp for a while.
  • Video Demos and Instructional Tutorials: Note two separate links at this bullet. The video demos show off the most recent version of Accordance. The instructional videos contain the entire training DVD, now available for free online.
If you haven’t seen Accordance for yourself, watch one of the videos linked above or try out a demo for yourself.

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