From the Patriarchs to Patmos: BI Time Line of the Bible

Regular readers of This Lamp are aware that I'm a fan of Biblical Illustrator magazine as a tool for Bible study preparation. Well the editors of BI have just released a wonderful set of new teaching aids: The Biblical Illustrator Time Line of the Bible. This is a set of three individual timeline charts (two for the Old Testament and one for the New Testament) that graphically illustrate the history of biblical events as well as related history of the Ancient Near East.

The two OT timelines cover events from 2100 BC (roughly the time of Abraham forward) to 100 BC. The OT timelines are broken down by divisions: religious events, military and political events, lifespans of important persons, archaeological eras, Palestine, Mesopotamia, involvement with other nations, and Bible books.

The NT timeline begins at 100 BC and ends at AD 100. NT divisions include lifespans of NT persons, lifespan of important congregations, archaeological eras, NT books, important Jewish and secular events, and rulers and leaders.

The three timelines themselves measure 17" x 48.5" each. They are full-color matching the professional look of regular Biblical Illustrator articles and charts. Don't tell the folks at Lifeway I said this, but at $9.95, I actually believe they are underpriced.

When I teach at church, I always include historical context. There's always an appropriate map on the wall to go along with our study. Now that I have these timelines, I'm going to laminate them and leave them indefinitely on the wall of the main room I teach from at church.

If you teach the Bible regularly in any church or classroom setting, I highly recommend these timelines. You can find them at any Lifeway store or you can order them