TNIV Replaces RSV in 2nd Ed. of Wayne Meeks' Writings of St. Paul

From the Norton Website:

The Second Edition of this perennially popular Norton Critical Edition is based on the Today’s New International Version of Paul’s letters, renowned for its inclusiveness and accuracy in representation of gender.

This thoroughly revised and expanded edition includes an entirely new introduction to Paul and the central issues surrounding his writings, as well as several newly included sections of writings from Paul’s time to the present, among them “Annotated Text: Pseudo-Pauline Writings”; “The Apocryphal Paul: Some Early Christian Traditions and Legends,” with writings by Jerome, Clement of Rome, and Ambrosiaster; “Paul and His Pagan Critics,” with writings by Julian, Theodotus, and Elaine Pagels; “The Second Century Paul”; “Reading Romans,” with writings from Origen, Theodoret of Cyrus, and Paul W. Meyer; and “A Sampler of Modern Approaches to Paul and His Letters,” with writings by Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza, Abraham J. Malherbe, Peter Lampe, Margaret Mitchell, and Dale B. Martin.

A helpful Epilogue—“The Christian Proteus,” by Wayne A. Meeks—a Selected Bibliography, and an Index are also included.

Rick's comment: this is easily the most academic use of the TNIV to date, and one of the first outside Evangelical circles. In my opinion, the TNIV Committee on Bible Translation should really consider completing a translation of the Deuterocanonicals if they want to continue to see expanded use of the translation in the wider realm of academic biblical studies.

Meeks' 2nd edition of The Writings of St. Paul will be available in March.