Haloscan Problems

Well, it looks like there's some kind of glitch with the Haloscan commenting feature. Over the last 24 hours or so, when a reader leaves a comment, an error message is displayed. I received a couple of emails about this last night. In spite of the error message though, I can acknowledge that the comments ARE being posted. However, not only are commenters getting error messages, I'm not getting emails at the moment alerting me to new comments. Further, comment counts on individual posts are not updating.

I checked the Haloscan forums and others are having the problem, too, so hopefully it will be corrected soon.

While on the Haloscan site, I discovered that there's a new comment widget showing the most recent comments. I have included it in the sidebar on the left and will keep it there even after the problem is fixed.

I will also add an update to this post as soon as we determine the problem is fixed.

UPDATE 3:30 PM: Comments are no longer generating error messages and I am receiving email notification of new comments. Everything seems to be working.