Does God Call Ministers in "Package Deals"?

There's been recent controversy lately in a few prominent churches over the discovery that the individual called as pastor had a "secret covenant" with another minister of music to bring him along to the new church as soon as possible. This is carried out at the expense of the church's current minister of music, of course.

Over on Wade's Rants, Philip has addressed this issue and he minces no words in the process. Of course, Philip Wade is a minister of music, so his concern is quite understandable, but he is certainly right. Ministers of any position should never come into a church with hidden agendas.

There is a dangerous trend that I have seen being allowed in SBC churches, namely the formation of a "covenant" between a prospective pastor and minister of music. This has happened to a friend of mine, resulting in his being forced to leave a ministry in which he was very successful, and has recently occurred at one of the largest SBC churches in the country. I believe this is the natural progession of things when we redefine a pastor as CEO, and not a shepherd, leading a flock.

Be sure to read Philip Wade's entire rant for yourself.