Fine Leather Cambridge TNIV's Available through Amazon

If you're a fan of the TNIV like me, you may be frustrated that currently Zondervan does not publish any non-thinline text editions in leather (you can choose from a variety of non-thinline text editions in hardback, but if you want leather, you have to go thinline). And to make matters worse, leather text editions are available from Cambridge BIbles, but not in the United States because Zondervan holds exclusive publishing and distribution rights over here. Plus, sometimes you just want a BIble with a traditional looking binding (no neon or multi-colored patterns).

So I was surprised and delighted to see four of the Cambridge leather TNIV Bibles available through Amazon being sold as used items. However, if you follow the link, you'll discover that these are not used Bibles at all, but brand new Bibles that a British bookseller is offering to American customers. The cost is a bit pricey--from $97 to $114--but it includes the cost to ship the Bibles 10 to 14 day priority airmail, and you get fine Cambridge Morocco (see comments for description) leather. Right now, if you want a TNIV Bible in a grade above bonded leather and if you don't want a thinline at all, this is your only option.

For American customers the only real differences between United States and British editions have to do with spellings and punctuation. Oh, and according to Peter Kirk, these British editions use a different word for rooster (let the reader understand) and there's a small change in Hebrews 4:15. There may be other differences, but again, these are going to be minor. And you're not going to find better binding quality than in a Cambridge Bible.

Here are the Camrbidge editions currently available through

TNIV Bible Personal Edition Black French Morocco Leather - $97

TNIV Bible Personal Edition Burgundy French Morocco Leather - $97

TNIV Bible Popular Edition Black French Morocco Leather - $113.90

TNIV Bible Popular Edition Burgundy French Morocco Leather - $113.90

Personal editions are 6.1" x 4.1" with 6.5 pt. type. Popular editions (the better choice in my opinion) are 7.75" x 5" with 9.5 pt. type.