Return of the Askalada Power Team

In the Fall of 1984, two best friends secured positions on their high school newspaper, The Airline Askalada . Kathy Putman was editor of the paper and Darcie Cash was the business manager. They referred to themselves as "The Askalada Power Team." A few years later, I married the editor and dragged her off to Kentucky.

Fast-forward twenty years to July 31, 2005 when the world (or at least the Shreveport/Bossier City, Louisiana part of it) saw the return of these two friends on the printed page. Darcie (now Darcie Johnson) is a member of the Shreveport Times Community Board and a frequent opinion contributor to the paper. Like many communities in America today, a hot topic is whether or not schools should abandon the traditional calendar in favor of a year-round schedule. Knowing that Kathy has worked in year-round schools in the past, Darcie suggested to the editor that Kathy would be a good resource to write a guest column. Darcie wrote an article, too, from the viewpoint of a parent. Yesterday, both articles appeared side-by-side. The Return of the Askalada Power Team...

If you would like to read the articles, follow the links below.

"Calendar Should Be Dependent on Student Population," by Kathy Mansfield
"Short Breaks Are Best," by Darcie Johnson