Promoting "Spiritual Death"?!

I came across this at Travis Kerns' blog, and although I usually avoid seminary-related postings, I just couldn't pass this one up.

Over on the website, which purports to be "an online gathering place for Baptists," there's a link for seminaries. On that page a list of primarily CBF-affiliated Baptist seminaries are highlighted with the six SBC seminaries conveniently relegated to the bottom of the page.

In some very ironic mis-wording, perhaps some kind of bizarre Freudian slip, the Baptist Seminary of Kentucky is said to provide "theological education 'committed to spiritual death, intellectual honesty and moral integrity.'"

Spiritual death?! Committed to spiritual death? What would that mean? What would classes promoting spiritual death look like?

See the ad for yourself on the seminaries page, but do it quick before it's corrected. I mean... I assume it's a mistake.

UPDATE: The more I thought about this "typo," the more I was curious about it. So I went to BSK's website and tracked down the original quotation. On their About Us: MIssion page, they describe themselves as "committed to spiritual depth... ." Now that's just one letter off, but one letter sure makes a heckuva difference. Not to mention the fact that the letters A and P are on opposite sides of the keyboard.

UPDATE II: In the spirit of the Golden Rule (Luke 6:31), I thought it only proper to alert someone to this mistake. So I sent emails over the weekend to both the Baptist Seminary of Kentucky and Bruce Gourley who runs The error has now been corrected.