Happy Thanksgiving 2005

But you, O Lord, are a God merciful and gracious,
Slow to anger and abundant in lovingkindness and truth.

Psalm 86:15, NASB

What are you thankful for this year? Last year I asked what you were thankful for if you could only choose ONE thing. However, this year, I can't limit my thankfulness to one item. I have four that I'm naming, but I assure you there are many more. Here are my top four reasons to be thankful to our beneficent Creator:

1. I'm still most thankful that Kathy is my wife. Our little family of just the two of us and our little basset hound, Bessie Mae, is such a sanctuary of peace to me. Add to this that I'm thankful to be able to drive on a long trip to Louisiana with Kathy (we always enjoy the ride together) and spend the holiday with our family.
2. I'm thankful that I've been allowed to go back to school to finish my degree. I wouldn't recommend sitting out five years in the middle of such a pursuit like I did, but I'm extremely grateful for the opportunity to go back and finish.
3. I'm thankful for the opportunity to teach classes as an adjunct at Indiana Wesleyan University. I thoroughly enjoy working with college students.
4. Finally, I'm thankful that in the past year, we were able to combine the community where we live with the community with whom we worship. Thus, I'm thankful to be in a community of faith that is within walking distance from our home, Simpsonville Baptist Church.

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you.