Anyone Have an Old Copy of a TLG CD?

The Thesaurus Linguae Graecae (TLG) is a project to digitize every Greek work from antiquity to the modern era. Currently, texts incorporate the works from Homer to the fall of Byzantium in AD 1453.

At one time these texts were released on CDROM, but since 2001 these texts have been made available online to subscribing institutions and individuals. At SBTS, where I am studying, I have access to these texts online.

However, years ago we had the texts on CDROM. I even used the older CDROM version over a decade and a half ago for a paper that I wrote in my last semester for my M.Div. Recently, I tried to see if these CDROMs were still around because Accordance Bible Sotware includes the ability to directly import these ancient Greek texts and convert them into user modules for use in Accordance and in conjunction with other Accordance modules. Unfortunately, this only works with the CDROM modules, not the online texts as the underlying format has now changed. Anyone familiar with Accordance would recognize the value of having these texts available as modules over the limited ability to search and manipulate the texts online.

When I looked in SBTS’ library catalog, the TLG CDROMs are still listed. Unfortunately no one could find them. The discs were probably packed away in a box without proper acknowledgement in the database. I’m certain they will be unpacked in a hundred or so years and then summarily thrown away.

Therefore, I am sending out this request to anyone who might still have access to the old CDs so that I might obtain the texts in their original format to use them with Accordance.

To my knowledge, I am not doing anything illegal in asking to borrow these discs since my institution has/had copies of both the physical CDROMs as well as a current subscription to the online service.