Tick & Train

I'm creating a new blog category, "Creation & Stewardship" that will primarily focus on our responsibility to take care of the home that God has given us. I moved a few previous posts to this category, so if you click on the category link, you will see a few other entries as well.

I received a "Christianitytoday.com Connection" email this morning that highlighted two new commercials which they described as "designed to encourage people to protect the world God has given us." I am going to post the two videos here, but don't just view them (or ignore them) and move on. I'm also providing a link that gives the science behind these commercials.

Until recently, I ignored or even scoffed at this issue. However, like a lot of other evangelicals, I'm waking up to the facts. Care of creation is OUR responsibility, given to us in Genesis 1:27 ff. To neglect our responsibility in this matter is to be in rebellion against God and his good creation.



Find out more--Science Behind the Ads.