- Completed Hacks

- The Phoenix, my first hack, has a wood and Plexiglass case I built myself

- PowerMatrix Powerbook 160 case with a metal flake green grid behind metal flake black all under a glossy clear coat. I wanted this up for Matrix: Reloaded but the photo lab and a field trip wouldn't cooperate (two days late isn't bad).

- ADB chording Keyboard This is an electronics project where I took an old keyboard and make it into a multi-sybolic chording keyboard very similar to these

- The MiniMac I only have some minor detailing work and port extentions remaining on this otherwise its done. Its boxy, but it looks like an iMac in several ways. Now with color photos

- The HammerPhone Nokia 918p cell phone painted with Rust-Oleum Hammer Black textured spray paint, with the intent of changing the LEDS from green to blue. This is mainly the instructions for painting the phone.

- Hard Sound Very crude hack, just making a dead hard drive into a speaker. Needs an Amp, but could be a cool accessory to a bigger hack. Photos coming soon

- GT-270 Battery conversion A modification to my wearable displays so they use a cheap cell phone battery for power. This is going to let them be used with the Wearable Mac when it gets closer to its final shape.

- GT270 monocular display Serious hack to a GT270 to make it a monocular display enabling it to be used without impairing the wearer's ability to move around (ie I can use it and still see what I would see without it- with the exception of a screen floting in front of me)

- Fractalbook This one isn't my computer, its my brothers Wallstreet Powerbook, all I did to this one was put in a fractal printed on transparency paper into his Apple logo on top of the 'book. Still this is one of my favorite hacks. Similar to a lot of the powerbook mods here.

- Diamonds A 6400 mod that, to be honest was spurred on by a deal that fell through. Inside this beast is a window, paint, a paper insert, and CCFLs. Its specs aren't that bad either, I'm thinking about installing OS X.1 on it with ExPostFacto

- Horizon An extra extended ADB keyboard with hacked in trackpad. This is among my best hacks to date IMHO, so I'll let it speak for itself
- Needs coding and photos
- Works in progress

- Wearable Mac My long running project. This one is inspired by the various wearable projects that have taken shape at major universities around the world, but most noatbly in MIT's media lab. Currently the pages for this project are Here

- Radeon 7000 Conversion Project to convert a Retail PC Radeon 7000 PCI video card to its Mac side equivelent. The first step was a ROM flash and the second, reason its listed here, step is enabling the ports found on higer end and mac versions of the card. Currently on hold due to lack of parts and tools. But it looks feasable

- DomeMac Geodesic Dome case built with plexi.
- Finishing plans

- TiNewt
This is a crazy idea that was mentioned on the Applefritter fourms after someone linked to a newton hack at Newton Traveler where a Newton 2000 had been modified to match a Duel USB iBook. The Idea I plan to borrow (thanks Blackstealth) and design will be a newton 120 built into a brushed metal case. I plan to start designing as soon as possible. Maybe I'll get innovative and create some graphic to be etched into the case. vHacks comming soon. This may also becaome a clear Newt project but then again I do have two Newtons now :) I doubt this is going anywhere in the seeable future

- Big Blue Currently in the planning stage I'm going to be using an old mac to make a server for my Home Area Network In the end I want it to look like the servers from the Movie Hackers seen here
- Mostly Abandonded

- LIIIc this is one I started while I was bored (isn't that how they all begin) but I'm working on craming an LCIII into a Guted IIc with a working keyboard. So far I've done some of the plastic surgery on the inside of the gutted IIc case and on the floppy drive bezal but still need to mount every thing and wire up the keyboard

- Waterbook This one was going to be a hacked Powerbook 150 with out a backlight. Playing on the idea that LCDs have that crisp white color only when the light is on I was going to mount it in a clear plexi case. I still think it could be a cool idea but for now this one is shelved.
- Works by others

- ApplefritterAny hack on this site is worth looking at, hopefuly I'll have some of my own hacks in the Applefritter collection.

- iNewt A beautiful Newton Hack that has inspired me to do my own newton hack.

- 150/ADB One of those Japaneese hackers- and one thats fixed a Mojor flaw in apple's Powerbook 150- my first powerbook. He's added an ADB port. Since I've looked for this a lot I'm linking to it here. He also has some other nice powerbook 150 hacks on his page, but you might need to use altavista's translators.

- AlBook Backlight Mod A friend of mine who, after my bad influence, did a simple but effective mod to the keyboard backlight on his 17" Al Powerbook. @ weeks after he posted it online a number of hackers modded their own books to copy his mod. Can't wait until I get that type of following...

- Gossamer Cubed An amazing mod that I saw a while back but rediscovered. Its a Beige G3 in a well built plexiglas case. I swear, theres something about plexiglas and computers that goes together wonderfully.

- 150 Compact Flash Another impressive Powerbook 150 Hack- a CF adaptor for the system. Save on battery power and get more RAM at the same time, might cost a little but clever none the less. These 150 hackers are almost as numerous as those duo guys.
- Works by others- hosted here

- Lightning G3 By Allison Friedman. Heavily modded system with a wonderful paint job.

- Candy Apple By Allison Friedman. Nice simple 7200. It even goes back to my opinion that monitors should be painted as well as the main system and devices (KB/Mouse)

- Macworld Case Mods Some photos of modded macs from the Feb. 2001 issue of MacWorld Magazine. The artical these were with isn't on hardware hacking but rather on interface customization. There was a contest at the time to win a couple of these as well, so enjoy.