- The MiniMac: The lost photos

- Not the prettiest, or cute, or really anything special, but it was fun

- This is later in the build, after the casing was made but allows a good view of the assembly. The Power cables were extended and the powersupply was mounted to the back of the CRT while the MLB was mounted abouve the monitor. Botherthe hard drive and CD drive are mounted in the wood props. None of it was especailly smart but this wasn't a smart project.

- Better view of the power supply backpack as well as the various cables going tot the drives mounted under the monitor

- Better view of the rear of the machine. You'll notice that the SCSI is blocked by the cable, which I could correct if I wanted to. You'll also notice that I didn't get a great coat of the clear enamle on ther either.

- Side view before I made the window in the CRT casing

- Another frountal view to look at, this one is before I added the white face plate. The CD is clearly visable in this shot, as well as the gap above it. The HDD is a few inches back (in a way its more inside the monitor case than outside it) You can also see the power switch I extended for power on/off

- Cute no? Granted it isn't clean and it isn't that good but it was a fun project, and at the time I needed one. I'm really supprised that the CD ejects if you press the white plastics, no button hole needed.
- See the miniMac in glorious Greyscale