- In complete and total honesty I have no clue how I'm going to develop this page. Just that I wanted one. To me the Newton is the best handheld computer system ever with both a good folowing of users and programers. I am not one to think that apple will ever bring back the newton or any thing like it (though that would be nice) I think that this page may grow in to some sort of tutorial for new Newton users as I grow to use mine more and more, not only as intended but as I push it towards it seeming limitless abilities.
- Ok, yet another obsure note on my vast collection of links and information. I've had the Newton 120 for over two years and regreatably haven't done much with it. Hoepfully that will change as I am finally getting a new (to me) Newton 2000. Out of nessicaty I will need to do something with the battery pack and will more than likely end up doing some sort of solar collector on it. We'll see when it gets here next week, but I will have to do something with it. A lot of something.
- As I wait for my next evolution in Newtons to arrive I plan on ways to make it better though hacking. Maybe adding a backlight to a 110 or 120 or finding a better battery. Newtons are great but are not perfect, one can only strive for that
My first page created on a Newton. 1/8/03
Nothing much- no links or colors and some editing on my mac but good for basic content. I hope to do some more codeing on my newton as its easier to lug around than say a G3 with 17" screen.
Newton IR FAQ Not mine but I was looking for this a while back after seeing it once and couldn't find a good link to it. As I could get the code from Archive.org I'm going to upload it here. If you are the owner of the content and don't wish me to have it on my site, please contact me and I will take it down.
Newton Prototype Not mine but someone needed hosting and I offered some space. With my revamping I decided to link to it.
TiNewtvHack I did when thinking about building a metal case for a Newton 1x0, prettymuch dropped as an idea, but hey, I've got it, so it may as well go up here.