While Logo Mods are pretty easy on Lombards and later powerbooks the Wallstreet models present a problem, or two. Mainly this is the fact that they don't glow like the later models (or glow very faintly) and secondly that the Apple Logo is painted white. Fortunatly I'm a hacker and neither of those is a problem
Opening the case
I won't bore you with the details of opening the Wallstreet powerbooks. For one others have it documented well, and secondly I only have a plain .mac account for web hosting (for now, feel free to donate to me via paypal)
The Fractal Transparency
Leting there be light
As I said above the other problem is the lack of glow. This wasn't a big problem for me since I had a few of those "heres some free speciality paper so you come back and buy more" smapler packs that printer companies give out. Taking a transparency sheet from one of those I grabbed a couple 2" x 2" images and arranged them in photoshop. After I printed them out I let my brother choose one he liked (it was his system, it had to be his choice) Once he decided I opened the case and removed the paint. Nothing like some rubbing alcohol to do the trick
Apple of my Eye
To position the image I just held it up to a light source and moved it around until it looked good in the Apple logo frame. Nothing hard
Mounting the image
Mounting the image
Tape is my friend. For mounting the image theres nothing like some clear scotch tape and a sharp knife. With the image trimmed for the logo and the image positioned I just taped it down and reassembled the laptop then enjoyed. All in all a quick easy mod. Why people don't like making thier laptops thier own is beyond me.