Mac sites
Software and Note about Software links.
Other Links
Newton Links
Worth While Causes
Internet Utilities
- Mac sites
- Applefritter
- A site for mac hardware hackers, the site also hosts Apple and Mac clones, prototypes, and software in addition to the IRC channel and fourms.
- Low End Mac
- Lowendmac.com is a great site including profiles on all Macs, and most clones, The site also has daily articals from several regulars talking about different aspects of the Mac. They also encourage using old macs and give upgrade advise.
- As the Apple Turns
- A Mac news site that acts like a soap opera. Turns mac news into humor and pokes fun at PC compeditors like Dell and Gateway.
- ResExcellence
- A site for Mac software hackers, often using ResEdit. It hosts tons of mods for various Mac software including iTunes, Startup screens for the Pre-OS X systems and other GUI modifications
- Macslash
- I occasionaly pop in here to see whats up, though its readers aren't the greatest, most would rather chew up something that pay attention to it. Its also a tribute to Slashdot.com a good site for rumors of various flavors.
- The Apple Collection
- A cool site, despite that fact that it is large, comubersome, and filled with ads. I only take it as curosities, since most of the designs and prototypes can be called fakes or vhacks, on the other hand some are real. Interesting none the less though.
- Macdesktops.com
- If I even want a new Desktop I normaly head here, excellent site with great desktops. I've enev used some of the desktop pictures as covers for various assignments.
- Macmod
- One of the newest Mac community sites, similar to Applefritter if AF was dedicated to just hacks and mods.
- Cult of Mac Blog
- Wired's Mac guru's blog. Cool mac stuff in a quick easy to access location.
- modyourmac.com
- A newer Mac modding site. These guys also have unique insight into the servicing aspects of hardhare hacking. More modding than full cases but I won't hold it against them. They're new but going strong.
- Apple
- What would a Mac site be with out a link to the company that created the Mac? Makers of all systems used to develop this site to the fullest. They also provided the 20 megabytes of web space for this site to be hosted on though thier free Mac.com accounts for Mac users.
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- Favorite Software Sites*
- Ambrosia Software
- Ambrosia is the developer of one of my favorie game series, Escape Velocity. Thier products are on the same leval as those of major developers but charge a lot less and support older systems. Well worth a good look.
- iCab
- iCab is a great minority browser that can run on any Mac. Unlike IE and Netscape requires very few system rescorces and is very customizable. Still a "Beta" but a very usable product.
- Blizzard
- Makers of several popular Mac games like Starcraft and Warcraft
- Pure-Mac
- Heres where I download most of my software, unlike VersionTracker I find it to be a clean site and have lots of worthwile software and shareware with a few freeware applications.
- Bare Bones Software
- Creators of BBEdit and other small but powerful mac programs. BBEdite lite is used to code this site's HTML
- Adobe Software
- Creators of Photoshop and other fine products, most of the imaging on this site was done using various versions of Photoshop.
- The Omni Group
- These guys are from the NeXT era- and what they do they do well.
- MpegDec for the Mac
- Plain and simple it plays MP3s on 68k Macs. Until this port of an Amiga program came along MP3 playback was nearly impossible on low end Power Macs. Now you can play MP3s on a IIci.
- AlkSoft
- Mac "Classic" wifi utilities, plus some other useful applications. Theres also a comprehensive 5300 FAQ as well as a few Hacks. The guy behind this software is also an active member of Applefritter
- Mozilla.org
- A multiplatform non IE web suite. In other words, a decent multiplatform not M$ web browser. Free Open Scource and based on the remains of Netscape
- 55ware
- This is the software that Apple uses for its iTunes visuals, except much, much, much, much better. Once He starts writing this full time its going to be beyond amazing (right now he's writing it as he can while serving in the Navy.)
- Strange Flavour
- A shareware company run by two brothers over in england that make some very addicting games. For the quality of these games the fee is very inexpencive.
- Strange Flavour
- A shareware company run by two brothers over in england that make some very addicting games. For the quality of these games the fee is very inexpencive.
- Ranchero Software
- This guy makes some awesome utilities, the best by far is NetNewsWire, a client application that picks up on RSS and ATOM feeds. I'm hooked! RSS and ATOM feeds make it simple to watch numerous sites instead of a dozen. supposedly their blogging tools are well developed, but I honestly haven't tried them
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- Other Good Sites
- Blackstealth.net
- One of the more active members of Applefritter's fourms and IRC channel. He has a few hardware hacks and a nice site.
- Riscx.com
- A fellow Mac hardware hacker with a couple of excellent projects. His pyramac provided that bit of motivation to go after the DomeMac.
- The 6400 Zone
- A site dedicated to the later performa lines. Extremely useful if you're working with anything dealing with a 6400, 6500, 5500, 5400 or 6360 powermac.
- AE Innovations
- The site of a self proclaimed inventor, with some truely amazing hacks
- Zerospin.org
- Comprehensive Wearables site with a few amazing HMD hacks
- mini-itx.com
- I know, a PC site, but aside from amazing mods the hardware they document is amazing. I mean, come on the motherboards are the size of CD.
- Woz.org
- The Woz's Page, well designed and mantained, not specicaly mac and Apple related, Woz anwsers most emails and lays down what did and didn't happen in Pirates of Silicon Valley. Many good stories on the site as well as many intresting links.
- Nomadic Research Labs
- A very cool project, massive portable computing at its best. Currently its in the form of a boat but earier projects were bikes. Everything is linked as a massive system with access to the global network in various ways. There are other like this but these projects started the Technomad lifestyle. If you need a mac connection to look at it Apple put up some support with people, hardware and buildings. Theres a link to this in my wearable section but it deserves p[osting here as well.
- Nation States
- Nation States is a country simulator, written as a publicity stunt for Jennifer Government by author Max Barry. I read the book first and discovered the site later but I am currently playing as The Rouge nation of G3head in the Applefritter Region.
- Amazon.com
- If you don't know about Amazon.com what are you doing online?
- eBay
- I don't like Pez, but if it spawned this site (that you should know as well as Amazon) then it has to be good for something
- Red Light Runner
- Apple and Mac collecibles for sale, rare and not so rare. Need I say more?
- Think Geek
- Cool site when the intergeek in you can drool over all sorts of toys and staples like Caffine, Tech Toys, Geeky Cloths and Art. On occasion they have household goods like Caffinated Soap (I kid ye not) and fridges.
- Jinx Hack Ware
- Similar to think geek in that they target the Geek/Hacker T-shirt Market but they lean towards the darker side. Very cool stuff.
- Hacker Stickers
- The only place I've seen Mack Hacker gear. Mainly stickers but a few t-shirts and other items. I love the Mac Pirate Face sticker.
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- Blogs of note
- Opgeven
- Rarly updated, by a friend who is a wannabe anarchist. Occasioanlly there's something worth while posted.
- Blog (made from concentrate)
- Brad is smart and usually funny, so I check this one fairly often. This is one of the better personal blogs I read
- Forbidden Fruit Cocktail
- Not the best, but another friend, somewhat technically inclined. We've got some things in common
- Boing Boing
- Your guess is as good as mine. Boing Boing has three or four countributers who are highly technical, very political, and extremely smart.
- William Gibson's Blog
- The blog of one of my favorite authors. Gibson is smart and blogs on a wide range of things.
- Survival Guide to Homelessness
- How to be homeless with class and style. Put away the social stigma of the bum in the alley, this is how the homeless should do it.
- Gizmodo.com
- A gadget webblog. These guys have a slightly hormonal twist on new gadgets but they have a lot of good content.
- Engadget.com
- Another gadget Webblog. There's some overlap with Gizmodo, but they usually have some different editorial content and side project. 'sides they both have RSS feeds
- hackday.com
- Sister project of engadget. Basic twist is one hardware hack a day period. Just just electronics stuff either, they've had a mini jet engine, DIY batphones, and bottlecap tripods.
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- Publications
- Silicon Valley magizine whos list of writers is surpurb. Many write science fiction authors and are into technology or the latest and greatest. Most of the articals end up online
- Popular Science
- Popular Science has been around for 125+ years, and knows what thier talking about when it comes to new technology and innovations. I've been reading this for years picking up all sorts of information.
- Scientific American
- Sientific American is another great Science and Technology Magizine that I've been reading for a while. While some of my favorite contributers and columns (like Connections) have left its still a great magizine that I probaly should have a subscription to.
- MacAddict
- One of the newer Mac magizines but one with lots of energy. Unlike Macworld they tend to do a hardware hacking issue at least once a year, in addition to crazier projects like programing and video editing.
- 2600
- The Hacker's Quarterly. Fun read. Lots of interesting information that makes it worth the $5.50 every few months. Plus anyone fighting the idea that a computer crime is worse than a physical crime is a worthly cause.
- Macworld
- MacWorld has been around a while (give or take parts of Mac user that have been incorperated into the current product) MacWorld has experiance like Macaddict has energy and I trust thier product reviews alot. Macworld also has Andy Inhako who leans towards the crazy mac user side of things and tends to be a master hacker of both hardware and software- claiming to work on wearable macs, and lego mindstorms as well as software (he's been to several machack conferences)
- Because some things can't be left ot american media. BBC does a better job of not being influenced by politics and similar crap the american press is subjected to. They also have the HHGttG radio series so they've got a leg up right there :)
- New York Times
- I know all the jokes about registration, but the NY Times is still pretty good with general news. They tend to be a couple steps above full blown technical ignorance.
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- Internet Utilities
- Cnet.com
- Where I tend to get my daily techno news, also controls download.com and some other sites that manage most computer user needs.
- Google
- Google should be famous by now, but in case you're unaware of google its probaly the best search engin around, and its clean design is one of the best. Even after a year I only stumbled across google/mac and some of its other features.
- gMail
- gMail -1Gb of free web based email. I got in on the Beta testing and it rocks. The Ad and privacy issues are fairly minor compared to what all the other free web based email sites offer, if not better.
- Archive.org
- Archive.org is a site that lets users look at cashes of old internet pages- from the first web cams to your favorite site. Very interesting to look at. It also has a couple of collections like "Internet founders" and "Sept. 11, 2001"
- blogger
- Blogger, yes the net fad, and I'm doing it. Simply put its easy to make quick simple updates to a site any where. Home, School, top secret government facility, its net based publishing for the masses- now backed by Google.
- Site Meter
- Free site statistics. Very useful, well not really - but it's cool to see how many people are visiting your site.
- Pico Search
- Too many pages, not enough navigation. This little free search engine helps, and unlike the big guys this is limited to your site.
- .Mac
- I figure I owe it a plug, without it and its first incarnation this site would not be here.
- Trificient Technology
- Wonderful local ISP who have been kind enought to let me co-locate a sandbox server at their offices.
- PayPal
- Online transactions. In other words I take credit cards
- Altavista
- Another search engin- but it pales in comparason to google. I only list it because its the easiest way to get a readable translation of various languages to English- more specificaly Japaneese to English for all those hardware hacking sites.
- Snoop Blocker
- Don't go to school without it. An entirely web based proxy that my school didn't have the foresight to block. This lets me get around the stupid filters the school set up to "protect me". Obviously, if I'm reading 2600, The Onion, or using an online translation service I should be charged with a crime *rolls eyes*
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- All Newton Sites
- This Old Newt
- A geat site for Newton users, lots of tips and information as well as some packeges. It is also one of the Newton FAQ hosts.
- Newton Talk
- Website for the list serve, a wonderful email list dedicated to Newton Message pads.
- Newton Traveler
- One of the many newton sites with something unique, in this case one of the only newton hacks I've seen. He also has some other good information on the site.
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- Comics
- Rockwood Comics
- Funny Comic strip site that takes place in space and has been published on line for a couple of years now. The author of the strips is a Mac fan and shows it in a couple of his strips and fills in for As the Apple Turns on occasion.
- Macboy
- Site I sound a while back that I still check in on occasion. Its really a Mac IT contractor but hosts several comics, the first Zapp The PRAM parodies Apple in many different ways, from odd errors to news of Apple Stores. Maclib lets you fill in the blanks on cells drawn by several artists mac related of course. Stories for Robots isn't bad but it isn't my favorite. Still worth looking at.
- Dilbert
- What can I say, its was the first inernet comic (a long long time ago is a service far far into the grave, err I mean compuserve) Its also delivered to my email daily.
- Joy Of Tech
- Another Mac centric comic strip, but between the 3 comic strips linked to on this site Joy Of Tech is the best. Often Joy of Tech pops up around the web as well as the occasional Mac Addict CD
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- Worth While Causes
- American Humanist Association
- I don't like orginized relegion as it has killed hundreds and made false promises. It in general is no better than a cult willing to commit mass sucide at the drop of a hat. Therefore I am a self proclaimed Humanist- one who believes in the ability of the human race.
- Sierra Club
- The Serria Club is an orginization that promotes taking care of out planet. I found out about the club after seeing one of thier calenders with some amazing photography (the reason it was giving to me really) but as I researched the club I found that I agreed with alot of what they work towards.
- If you don't know about the EFF, I'm sorry. This group has some heavy hitters in its history and it the leading defender of fair use and other digital rights.
- Anti-DMCA.org
- This says it well-
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- Vendors
- All-Electonics.com
- Cheap parts, expecially for hardware hackers. CCFTs, Drivers, Multimeters, LEDs, and other goodies. Did I mention cheap?
- Digi-Key
- Digi-Key is another electonics site, and publishses a 1000+ page catalogue filled with electonics. Prces aren't bad but overnight shipping is free with $25 of stuff. Lots of SMT stuff that you can't get at All electonics
- Tiger Direct
- Need parts cheap, try these guys. Everything from full cases to cables at very agreeable prices
- Drive Guys
- If you still think SCSI drives cost an arm and a leg you haven't been here.
- PCmods.com
- PC mod supplies, but many items are just as usable on a Mac.
- Computer Geeks
- A fluke of a find. They've got some low prices on some hardware and parts. I've seen them sell a 4" LCD for $60 (thats a good price)
- DealMac
- Need to kow the lowest prices and best deals on most anything Mac related? Check here.
- RAM Seeker
- Need RAM for a Mac, look here first. ALl the companies listed are known and some offer dirt cheap prices for quality products. I priced RAM for the Phoenix, Wearable Mac, and FractalBook here
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- *This is mainly Mac Only Software and none of it comes from Microsoft for two reasons, one I don't support Monolopys and two I like a stable system. I have found that with out MS products I run a cleaner system.
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