- Parts:
- VOCD1F505 IC (OEM from Alps electronics for Apple Computer)
- 3 Silicon dioes
- 1 ADB Port (S-Video port)
- Copper board
- 18 push button momentary on switches
- Accrilic Plastic
- Various Nuts and bolts
- 26 gauge wire
- Metal (in this case from a EM shield from a computer case)
- Nylon ties
- ADB cable (or S-video cable)
- Tools:
- Soldering Iron and solder
- Copper Braid
- Slot head screwdriver
- Pliers
- X-acto knife
- Starit Edge
- Plexiglass cutter
- Dremel tool with carbon fiber cutting wheel
- Power Drill with a set of twist drill bits
- Multimeter
- Macintosh Computer with ADB port