test.html this isatest to see how well i can Code HTML on my Newton 120 using nhtml 1. 0

this-is testing paragraph Center

one thing Ive noticed is how it inserts my textI like' how well it does this
the one thing thats wrong is the intrsive Code bar that uses Af in out a fifth ofmy Screen in portrait mode.
Ils a bit better in landscape Mode but that feels weird to me In landScape Mode it takes up about a Sixth of the screen the -file export the Software uses only works in portraits mode
over all its a nice app but its limited by the 12O's proresser and its inability to power the HWR engine at the speed l write but Ill probably use it Some for simple Site notes touched up of corse on a Mac
< Mac editing> You can see it isn't great with the capitals and puncuation in my handwiting but it is in fact quite useable, adding inter portions to the tags doesn't work well, but I might find a way around that. Setting it up isn't hard but different, specificaly the base tags IE HTML, head, title, body and closings for the same tags.

Site Meter This page created By Mark Welker for his site at http://homepage.mac.com/g3head with a Newton 120, Newtscape and nHTML 1.0 and edited with BBEdit Lite, a Mac, and iCab.

< /Mac editing>