- MY Computer Chair

- Frankenchair
- WTF?
- Nothing is safe with me. This is a true frankenchair, from the combination of chairs, to the procuring of parts (all parts not so proudly taken from dumpsters). I didn't intend for the pieces to take this shape but they did. Mainly this is a chair for my workbench, since I couldn't find a good chair for its height now the how

- The Main Chair
- Prepping the Host
- Once I had both my main chair (above), my donor chair (below) and decided to merge them I looked to the underside of the main chair. Once there there wasn't a whole lot to mount to, but with some 1x4 lumber (also taken from the dumpster) I managed to nail it down to the inner rim of the chair. This gave me something to work with.

- The Doner
- Prepping the Donor
- The Donor was easier to prepare since all I wanted to save was the gas champer and wheel assembly. This was just a matter of removing 4 bolts and throwing the padding off to the side. That left me with everything I needed plus a nice flat mounting platform on that side

- Frankenchair, again
- I had to toss the donor bolts as well but some scavenging in the workshop and I found a few nuts and bolts, with the power drill I had my holes and was ready to flip and use. The only real problem with this half assed scheme is that the gas chamber isn't intended for holding both the heavy office chair and occupant but it only falls about an inch. Its possible that I could get a stronger gas chamber but hey this works and it was free. Beggers can't be choosers and all that.
- See the movie