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Part 2 of 3

Tone Pad 1.1
Last Update: 08/21/98

Tone Pad 1.1 is a simple tone generator, reminiscent of old Radio Shack 1 octave electronic keyboards. If you're a musician, you may find Tone Pad  a great way to work out that melody while commuting on a train. There are many uses for tone generators, and we suspect this small app will have a wider audience than just music lovers. The Tone Pad 1.0 display is a floating window, featuring a Frequency Display Box which   displays the current frequency that is to be generated by clicking on the right 'Play Tone' button. Manual selection of a frequency is accomplished by simply writing the desired frequency in the display box. Currently, the tone generator will drop the decimal portion of the frequency entered, but the author may include decimal support in future versions.  TonePad v1.1 now supports duration selection, and a 3 octave range for the piano keys!  If you're downloading the .pkg (MAC), we recommend also getting the readme file. Freeware. Credit: Len Kawamoto.   19k  

tonepad.pkg   19k  

Morse Pad 1.2
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Morse Pad is a simple "Text to Morse Code" program. It allows for manually input text to be sent in Morse Code at various speeds and frequencies. If you're downloading the Mac (pkg) version, we recommend you also download the ReadMe file.  Freeware. The latest version now includes Morse to Text! Credit: Len Kawamoto.   16k  

morsepad.pkg  13k  

NewtORhythm 1.2
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Newton users simply enter their birth date. NewtORhythm comes up with a charted biorhythm. While this entertaining freeware package has little practical value, we imagine it may be used to help defend Newton users against criticism if they're simply having a bad day. Credit: Bernie Bernstone.   22k   

NewtORhythm_sit.hqx   22k   

GPS Map Lite 2.0
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GPS Map Lite 2.0 is a freeware GPS satellite based moving map navigation system with a lot of helpful functions such as a simple route, and a database. The system supports both scanned and vector type maps with any scale. This is a final version, which includes the developer's built in -10061 is fully functional.  Credit: Gerd Staudenmaier.  329k  

gmlt20.sit   332k  

Newton Portfolio Manager 1.3
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The Newton Portfolio Manager 1.3 helps Newton users monitor multiple stock investments, mutual fund performance and keep an eye on options and bonds. This program is compatible with Macintalk!  Credit: NewtBrick. 125k

npm_sit.hqx 177k

4nd Newton Book of IMDb
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If you use your Newton to keep track of movies you've been wanting to rent, try Tom Sheppard's Newton Book of the world famous Internet Movie Database. Mr. Sheppard's Newton book is a searchable collection of movies mostly from the US and Canada released between 1997 and 1998.  The latest version includes improved search handling.  This version  also includes listing by genre, and a section listing any of the included movies also on the AFI's Top 100 and the IMDb's Top 250.   Users interested in downloading the Newton Book of IMDb may also want to grab Avi Drissman's '61 Memory Fix as the author reports his book  may generate -10061 errors.  IMPORTANT: When downloading this 3.5 MB file, make sure you have enough space on a card to do so -- if insufficient space is available, the card will be erased. For screenshots and other info, visit Mr. Sheppard's website. Credit: Tom Sheppard. 1.3M

IMDb_CAUS_9798_0807_pkg.sit 1.3M

AFI & IMDb Abbreviated Newton Book 1990-1998
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IMDb book containing just the Top 250 IMDb and 100 AFI movie titles, countries, IMDb rating and number of votes and AFI rankings. Since the two books don't include plots, actors, producers or directors listings, they're super fast to load and navigate. This release now includes improved search handling and listings from Australia and the UK as well as the original US and Canada listings. This book has information from 1990 through 1998. For screenshots and other info, visit Mr. Sheppard's website. Credit: Tom Sheppard. 565k

IMDb_Ratings_90-98_0807_pkg.sit 569k

AFI & IMDb Abbreviated Newton Book 1995-1998
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IMDb book containing just the Top 250 IMDb and 100 AFI movie titles, countries, IMDb rating and number of votes and AFI rankings. Since the two new books don't include plots, actors, producers or directors listings, they're super fast to load and navigate. This release now includes improved search handling and listings from Australia and the UK as well as the original US and Canada listings. This book has information from 1995 through 1998. For screenshots and other info, visit Mr. Sheppard's website. Credit: Tom Sheppard. 305k

IMDb_Ratings_95-98_0807_pkg.sit 306k

AFI & IMDB Top Movies Newton Book
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Tom Sheppard's new Newton book comprising the American Film Institute's Top 100 movies of all time list and the Internet Movie Database's Top 250 movie picks.  The latest version includes improved speech handling.  This is a great way to get even more use out of your Newton -- at the rental store! For screenshots and other info, visit Mr. Sheppard's website. Credit: Tom Sheppard. 576k

IMDb_Top_0807_pkg.sit 565k

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