Part 3 of 3
Secret offers fast and true DES encryption for
Newton Notes. As long as you never forget your encryption password, you'll love this app.
After installing you will find a little "lock" button in your Notes
options bar. In addition the action picker will be extended by 'Protect' and 'Unprotect'.
These are present only if the selected note is unlocked. The lock in the button line
shows the state of the notes application. If it is locked, the notes marked with 'Protect'
are not available. To open the Note, simply tap on the lock button and enter your
password. This is a 30 day demo. The latest version fixed some known compatibility issues.
Secret may also perform OwnerInfo encryption. Credit: Softwarebüro Müller.
Crosswind Calculator helps Newton using flight
enthusiasts can figure out the crosswinds on a runway for takeoffs and landings. Although
targed specifically for the private pilot market, this simple package has the potential to
be useful in other scientific applications where crosswind calculation is needed. To
use Stand Alone's Crosswind Calculator, just provide known data like the wind direction
and speed, and Crosswind will generate the Crosswind. Credit: Stand Alone Software.
Stock Calculator for comes with handy user setup options and includes
full buy/sell/commission calculation options. A built-in Stock Fractions table is
available for performing at-a-glance conversions between dollar amount share prices and
stock fractions in 1/64 increments. Flat rate or percentage commissions can be included in
the calculations. Stock Calculator is currently available from System Support Products for
a registration fee of $15 and may be registered via Kagi. Credit: System Support Products,
Pocket Money is Catamount's award winning
bookkeeping software. This versatile package offers several plug ins, compatibility with
many other expense related packages and more! Recurring events may now be added, and the balance totals more
quickly. For the range of new features and improvements, see the included readme. Some
features in this financial managment software version include quick entering of
transactions with PocketButton. Support for the following other Newton packages: MPG,
Bills To Pay, ExpensePlus, Register, and CheckPlease. Print transactions sheets. Split
transactions Import into Quicken, MS Money, MacMoney, MYM and other desktop applications
with ExCHANGGE/WildCat. Foreign language support for: German, French, Italian, Japanese
enabler, and Russian enabler. Credit:
Catamount Software.
If you'd like your Newton to read books out loud, you'll need SpeakText
and Macintalk -- and Bernie's Book Reader! The simple but well-featured book reader
includes the ability to go to specific bookmarks to read or even pick a chapter.
This version is for NOS 2.x and reads most Newton Book and Paperback formats.
Version 2.3 included a minimize button as well as the new MarksAssist 1.0. MarksAssist 1.0
will allow for bookmark deletion as well as descriptive labels. The latest version
fixes some errors encountered on startup. Shareware. Credit: Bernie Bernstone.
Newtopoly is a familiar real estate trading game
for the Newton! Newtopoly is a graphically rich game that allows you to test your skills
as a real estate manager and industrialist. The game can be played by up to 8 human or
Newton-controlled players. Players can trade money or properties between themselves and
can also participate in auctions, build houses and hotels, mortgage properties and much
more! Newtopoly was designed to support alternate graphics and sound sets. The set that
ships with this initial release is the Silicon Valley set. Other sets will be available in
the future. The game uses grayscale graphics in both portrait and landscape modes for
machines that support these features. This is a 9 day demo. Credit: Bernie
QuickPress offers Newton users the ability to
directly exchange text between a Newton and Macintosh or Windows 95/NT desktop with drag
and drop ease. The product offers full text exhange capability including Notes, URLs, and
NewtonWorks. QuickPress is for use on Newtons running NOS 2.0 and requires a serial
connection, serial tool or/and ADSP tool. Credit: Avanti Software.
New to the Sports Schedule Pro Family: SSP
Team Stats Add Ons 1.2 for compiling and viewing your favorite team's stats! Sports
Schedule Pro 1.23 and companion schedules help Newton users keep track of their favorite
league's games. Included below are various game league schedules. The latest version of
Sports Schedule Pro includes schedule filtering and tv listing features. SSP Schedule
Maker 1.1 allows users to make their own sports schedules for SSP! The SSP Schedule Maker
is a potential favorite of coaches everywhere - amateur and professional. Below,
Sports Schedule Pro 1.23 (Freeware) , various game league schedules, the SSP
Schedule Maker 1.1 (30 day shareware) and the latest addition, SSP Team Stats Add Ons 1.2
(shareware). Credit: Mark A. Peters.