TimeLiner lets Newton users create,
organize, and print collections of events (time lines). This new demo includes easier date
entry and more features. Users simply enter what happened and the date in any format and
TimeLiner puts the events in chronological order.The flexibility of TimeLiner allows users
to create custom scales to show relations in dollars, size, batting average or any other
unit. The time line is viewable in formats ranging from a data list and flags to bar
format. The time line arrangement may be compressed or expanded on a user set axis. Other
user customizable options include time line merging and comparing for easy detection of
conflicts in time management.With the demo, users may only add up to 5 events per time
line and the merge feature is disabled. Credit: True North.
is an extension to the preferences roll. After installing you can change the countries
existing in the Newton OS, or add new countries. Latest version includes a fix for
country modification errors. Countries is $10 shareware. Before registration,
changes are not saved. Credit: Softwarebüro Müller.
little extension will add a 'All' button to the InOut Box. Newton users may select all
displayed items with one tap. Many other built in Newton applications have such a function
but now you can access that overlooked In/Out box with one tap. Now for use with Richard
C.L. Li's System Patch for the -10061
error. Credit: Softwarebüro Müller.
This file was updated 1 day after initial release
to correct a problem with the Stevens Creek Blvd. property. Newtopoly is a familiar real
estate trading game for the Newton! Newtopoly is a graphically rich game that allows you
to test your skills as a real estate manager and industrialist. The game can be played by
up to 8 human or Newton-controlled players. Players can trade money or properties between
themselves and can also participate in auctions, build houses and hotels, mortgage
properties and much more! Newtopoly was designed to support alternate graphics and sound
sets. The set that ships with this initial release is the Silicon Valley set. Other sets
will be available in the future. The game uses grayscale graphics in both portrait and
landscape modes for machines that support these features. This is a 9 day demo.
Credit: Bernie Bernstone.
SBM Services, a freeware tool to help Newton
users further customize entries in Names, Owner info and other menu options. Defaults and
definitions may be set for: Email services, Credit card types, Pager types, Phone
types. The latest version features management of several telephone providers,
automatic selection of cheapest provider per connection and a fully integrated Newton user
interface. Credit: Softwarebüro Müller.
The Ink Spot off line news reader includes lots
of options to customize how news is received, read, sorted and deleted. There is no
artificial limit on the number of messages to be downloaded, headers may be kept or
discarded to help save space, and messages may be brought into the Newton's Notepad.
InkSpot also includes a composition feature to help news group posters count to 10 when
needed -- messages may be replied to, edited, mulled over, and sent at a later date.
The popular off line news reader was recently enhanced with improved text to speech
handling and fixes for user reported problems. Credit: DejaVu Software.
The Newton Portfolio Manager 1.2 helps Newton
users monitor multiple stock investments, mutual fund performance and keep an eye on
options and bonds. This program is compatible with Macintalk! Credit: NewtBrick.
NewtNotes 1.0 is a bibliography program for the
Newton. NewtNotes was designed based upon EndNote by Niles & Associates. NewtNotes
allows Newton users to carry around references and to add new references while away from
their usual desktop computer. Many users may still use Niles' EndNote and a word processor
on the desktop to create your final papers. The download file includes not only the main
Newton .pkg but also nnsync, a package which allows import/export of data to Wildcat on
the Macintosh and Windows desktops. NewtNotes also includes a complete manual! Credit:
Catamount Software.
NewtLibs 1.1 should be a very familiar word game
-- only now it's on your Newton! NewtLibs is a great game to play with friends, and
you can even trade your own 'Libs with other Newton users. NewtLibs 1.1 will read your
NewtLib to you if MacinTalk and SpeakText are installed. Credit: Bernie Bernstone.
'61 Memory Fix is a backdrop button to work
around the -10061 memory problem 4 Meg Newton devices face. The Fix is already built into
Avi's Backdrop. Credit: Avi Drissman.
If you'd like your Newton to read books out loud, you'll need SpeakText
and Macintalk -- and Bernie's Book Reader! The simple but well-featured book reader
includes the ability to go to specific bookmarks to read or even pick a chapter.
This version is for NOS 2.x and reads most Newton Book and Paperback formats.
Version 2.3 now includes a minimize button as well as the new MarksAssist 1.0. MarksAssist
1.0 will allow for bookmark deletion as well as descriptive labels. Shareware.
Credit: Bernie Bernstone.
From CD collections to your personal library,
CardMEDIA 1.8 will help you keep track of it all. CardMEDIA's use of the Names style
database is so seamless, it seems a native function of the Newton. The latest update
corrects a problem with closing the view prior to entering infomation in the title slot of
any CardMEDIA card type. A default entry is now automatically entered. .CardMEDIA is
available in two different styles, or "suites" designed to best suit a specific
need. The CardMEDIA Reference Suite is best for generating bibliographic entries for
inclusion in a report, or to make journal-style or library tracking entries. The CardMEDIA
Home Suite is best suited to help track CD collections, Videos, and home inventory items
such as appliances and electronics. Using other software packages like MoreInfo 5.0
from SilverWARE, and HyperNewt from Foundation Systems, you can actually link notes,
dates, to-dos, & calls to any type of Card in your Newton Names. Credit: Sine of the
HyperNewt has been rewritten from the ground up
with new features, enhanced performance, and a more streamlined user interface -- all as a
result of user feedback! HyperNewt is a revolutionary way to create and organize data on a
Newton. With intuitive interface, flexible data management controls, and powerful linking
capabilities, HyperNewt is a new window to information. Implementing a hierarchical filing system, HyperNewt lets
users create any number of folders and subfolders to store notes, checklists, outlines,
and other notepad stationery, in a cleaner and more efficient manner. Leveraging on
the Newton¹s soup data architecture, HyperNewt can act as a freeform database for
handling all types of information on your Newton. If you store HyperNewt internally or
have installed Stand Alone's SuperNotepad, do not choose to have HyperNewt replace
the Notepad app at startup. If you have chosen to replace the Notepad app with HyperNewt,
*DO NOT* make HyperNewt your backdrop application. Opening HyperNewt will cause an alert
to appear asking you to use the Notepad app instead. Credit: Adam Tow, Foundation
DTMF Settings is an extension to the preferences
roll. After installing Newton users may change the volume and the speed of touch tone
dialing via the Newton's speaker. DTMF Settings is $10 shareware. Before registering
the DTMF Settings application will not save changes. Credit: Softwarebüro Müller.
WriteHere 2.0 is a complete Handwriting
Recognition (HWR) input solution for the Newton. WriteHere is a complete handwriting
recognition (HWR) and text-editing solution for your Newton! WriteHere provides a number
of needed improvements to the built-in HWR system (Mondello) and a suite of useful text
processing utilities. This package has been updated to fix a startup problem, and
features have been added. Credit: Adam Tow, Foundation Systems.
Now any Newton area can be a calculator! AssistCalc was written to add
many mathematical functions to the Newton. For example, what if you want to calculate the
following - ((57*6)+89) / log 5. This could be a pain on Newton's calculator. AssistCalc
allows the user to write out (not tap, tap, tap) your equation and AssistCalc will try
it's best to figure out an answer for you. You can then copy the answer to where you need
it. You can either use the AssistCalc program, or use it with Assist. You will then be
taken into the AssistCalc program, and the answer will be given. AssistCalc can deal with
math functions such as - acos(x) asin(x) atan(x) atan2(x,y) cos(x) cosh(x) exp(x) log(x)
log10(x) and more! Credit: Catamount Software.
little extension will add a 'All' button to the Extras Drawer. So you can select all
displayed items with one tap. The most other builtin application have such a function, for
the Extras Drawer it was probably forgotten. Credit: Softwarebüro Müller.
little extension will add a 'All' button to the InOut Box. Newton users may select all
displayed items with one tap. Many other built in Newton applications have such a function
but now you can access that overlooked In/Out box with one tap. Credit: Softwarebüro
Backdrop is a backdrop application for Newton devices with OS 2.1 (which means a MP2000,
MP2100, or eMate 300). Advantages? It's small (15K), it's fast, it takes up little heap,
and it's free. This backdrop program includes many features and options including
Birthday warnings and a great 10061 error work-around! See included readme for usage
instructions. Credit: Avi Drissman.
is a freeware application allowing quick access to the spelling checker. Features
include full keyboard navigation, auto-entering of hi-lighted words, and insertion of
suggested words makes SpellBox v1.2 a must-have upgrade. Credit: Avi Drissman.
Corrector+ improves the accuracy of handwriting recognition. We can't
always write according to the preferences of Newton's printed recognizer (i.e separating
characters). We can't help but connect two or more characters every now and then ... it's
habit for most of us after all! Unfortunately, Newton doesn't take well to these connected
characters. So, if you want to see how Corrector+ can increase HWR accuracy on your
Newton, try this free 45-day demo version of Corrector+. Credit: Adam Tow, Foundation
SuperCalc is a simple Newton calculator -- but
with a twist. You can enter equations directly into this free-form calculator. Using the
handwritten recognition, you simply write out the equation [eg. 1 + 2 * 3]. Complex
equations can be easily generated and saved for later access. Credit: Herb Otto.
WordWar 1.2 is a freeware multiplayer Scrabble
type word strategy game. Freeware! Credit: Herb Otto.
is a BIG5 character set component for LunaSuite Pro. Installing this package can let you
read and sent BIG5 coded Chinese E-mails. After installing the
"LSProBIG5Coder.pkg" to your Newton MP, Select the appropiate Chinese font for
the default font using the I/O Box - inet POP3 Prefs. Use LunaConfig - LunaSuite
Components owner - Charactersets:LSProBIG5Coder to configure and register. Credit: Richard
C.L. Li.