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TapCash 1.1.1
Waiting for the ATM to give your $50, standing in line at the grocery store cash register, gassing up at the pump, morning coffee & paper, afternoon soda,...
TapCash makes even the smallest daily purchase easy to capture in a budget or financial program on your Palm device. The faster and easier it is to enter mundane transactions, the more likely they will be entered which in turn gives you a better overall picture of your spending habits and/or financial situation.
TapCash works by taking advantage of the Financial Posting Interface (FPI) which several financial and budgeting applications on the Palm OS use to communicate with each other. Some of the applications tested and supported by TapCash are:
Version 1.1 added support for the 5-way navigator to scroll between buttons and click.
Version 1.1.1 fixed a bug naming the buttons
$8.00 - for new customers.
$5.00 - if you have purchased PocketMoney.
Purchase TapCash online with a credit card for fastest service, and I will email you the registration code. Or, choose an alternative form of payment (payment options).
Depending on which program TapCash is interfacing with, some of these tips might or might not work. They all work with PocketMoney.
- Daily drinks - "coffee & doughnut" in the morning or a soda on break are some of the most common transactions that are often overlooked when tracking your spending because they are under a dollar and not worth the hassle of entering the data into your finance or budgeting program everyday. In TapCash, all you need to do is set it up once and then it becomes a single tap to enter the transaction. The date will be entered to the date/time of when you tap the TapCash button for the transaction.
- Know the account? - TapCash can be your main interface to the FPI applications that support "confirm post". Set a few buttons to your common accounts (Checking, Cash, Visa) and PocketMoney prompt you for the rest of the information when you tap one, just as if you opened the account register in PocketMoney and tapped New.
- Grocery or local store - another common transaction is buying food at the grocery store or local market. You know what account, the category, who you are buying the food from, but you don't know the amount. If you enter all of the data except for the Amount then PocketMoney will prompt you for the amount before saving the transaction. This saves you several steps. Other programs might not prompt you for required data like PocketMoney so you can check the "Confirm Posts" checkbox which will ask the financial or budget program to verify the data you are posting to it. Some programs will do this and others will save the transaction with an amount of zero. Ask your favorite budget manager or financial manager to support this feature if they currently do not.
- Food - I have buttons created for the three grocery stores I shop at most often.
- Gas - Like the food purchase, gas purchases usually only need the amount filled it. I have buttons creates for the two gas stations I fill-up at most often.
- ATMs - My ATM has an option for "Fast Cash" which withdrawals $50 from my main checking account with one press of a button. This makes withdrawing money faster and now TapCash makes entering into the Palm faster. I have a "Trans $50" button setup that makes a transfer from my checking account to cash account for $50. One tap just like the fast cash option at the money machine.
- Unknown Account - if you know you are going to purchase food or gas at a location and don't know what account you want to take the money out of, then you can leave the account blank and fill in the rest of the transaction. PocketMoney will prompt you for the account and the amount, saving you from entering the category and payee each time.
- Next Check - if your financial program supports the next check feature you can check "Next Chk" and when the transaction is posted from TapCash it will auto-fill in the next check number for you.