Junk Mail Filter
Junk mail is not handled by Mail V. However, there is a hook allowing experimentation with various filtering mechanisms. Mail V can be patched as follows:
GetRoot().|mail:simple|.ItemIsJunk := func(item) ... ;
item is an iobox item. Its envelope information has been completed, so the recipients, subject and body structure can be examined, but at this stage no message body has been retrieved. If ItemIsJunk returns non-nil, the item is ignored.
Audio Stationery
The Audio Stationery package exports its decoding function as a unit. You will need to declare the unit as follows:
DeclareUnit('audio, 1, 0, { Decode: 0 } );
Then you can refer to the decode function:
DecodeAudioFn := UnitReference('audio, 'Decode);
sound := call DecodeAudioFn with (data, store);
A binary object of class 'basic, 'aifc, 'aiff, 'wav or 'gsm .
These symbols correspond to MIME audio types; basic is muLaw encoding.
(These are the formats currently supported. More may be added in future.)
The store on which to create a VBO for the Newton sound samples. Pass nil to store the sound in the heap. |
The function returns a Newton sound frame (Newton Programmer’s Guide: 2.1 OS Addendum, Sound Reference, 7-28), or nil if the format is not supported.
Image Stationery
The Image Stationery package similarly exports its decoding function as a unit. You will need to declare the unit as follows:
DeclareUnit('image, 1, 0, { Decode: 0 } );
Then you can refer to the decode function:
DecodeImageFn := UnitReference('image, 'Decode);
pix := call DecodeImageFn with (data, store);
A binary object of class 'gif, 'jpeg, 'pict, 'png or 'tiff .
These symbols correspond to MIME image types.
The store on which to create a VBO for the Newton bitmap data. Pass nil to store the image in the heap. |
The function returns a Newton bitmap frame as would be returned by MakeBitmap(); its data
slot is a binary object
of class 'pixels which is a PixelMap.