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Newton Developer Technical Information: Newton Programmer's Guide: 2.1 OS Addendum /
Chapter 8 - Dial-In Networks

Dial-in Networks Summary

Data Structures

Access Frame

accessFrame := 
   mailNetwork: symbol, // the network's symbol
   mailPhone: string // the phone number
   baud: integer // the baud rate

Network Frame

networkFrame :=
   title:string, //name of network
   id: symbol, //identies the network
   GetAccessNumbers: function, //get local access numbers


RegDialinNetwork(networkSym, networkFrame) //regs dial-in network

UnRegDialinNetwork(networkSym) // unregs dial-in network GetLocAccessNums(entry, which) // gets local access number GetAllDialinNetworks() // gets all dial-in networks GetDialinNetwork(networkSym) // // gets a dial-in network

Data Structures
Access Frame
Network Frame

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26 APR 1997

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