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Newton Developer Technical Information: Newton Programmer's Guide: 2.1 OS Addendum /

Chapter 8 Dial-In Networks

The dial-in network application program interface (API) allows you to add dial-in networks to augment the built-in SprintNet and ConcertNet networks already in the system. A dial-in network basically provides phone numbers for an application (or transport) to call to get access to the network.

For example, a CompuServe mail client would need to register a CompuServe dial-in network to supply numbers for connecting to the CompuServe network.

The primary function of a dial-in network is to supply phone numbers to call given a particular location. It supplies these phone numbers by providing a function to be called by elements such as the connection slip and the Internet Enabler. This function returns the possible numbers.

Dial-in networks are stored in a registry in the system. To register a dial-in network with the system, you must put a dial-in network into this registry. A developer does this by calling the registration function *RegDialinNetwork, passing in a network frame that describes the dial-in network; see "Network Frame".

Chapter Contents
Dial-in Networks Reference
Data Structures
Access Frame
Network Frame
Dial-in Networks Summary
Data Structures
Access Frame
Network Frame

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26 APR 1997

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