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Newton Developer Technical Information: Newton Programmer's Guide: 2.1 OS Addendum /
Chapter 8 - Dial-In Networks / Dial-in Networks Reference
Functions /


GetLocAccessNums(entry, which)

Retrieves an array of access frames given a location frame and an array of dial-in network symbols to look for.

A location frame. Can be a worksite or a city location. If nil, *GetLocAccessNums uses the current emporium and city location.

For information on these various entities see the following sections of Chapter 16, "Built-in Applications and System Data Reference," in Newton ProgrammerŐs Reference :

worksites "Worksite Entries" (page 16-22), worksite entries are a type of Names soup entry.

cities "GetCityEntry" (page 16-79), the GetCityEntry function returns a city location frame.

the current emporium "User Configuration Variables" (page 16-101), the currentEmporium variable contains an alias to a Names worksite soup entry.

An array of network symbols. Usually the transport's networkSymbols array if the Mail Enabler is used. Matches to all these symbols are returned.

return value
Returns an array of access frames; see "Access Frame".

If the mail transport does not contain the networkSym for the dial-in network within its networkSymbols slot, the network phone numbers will not appear in the connection slip.

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