NewtGrocery Reference 4 - Buying Information


The Buying Information section lets you determine how much of the selling product you're buying.


The quantity is the number of the unit format that you're buying. You can edit the quantities.



The Fmt is the format in which the item is bought. There's a little particularity when you select unit. When you pick unit, that tells NewtGrocery that you're buying x quantity of whatever unit is defined in the selling section. For example, suppose that the store is selling you a can of 16 fl. oz. on maple syrup. Instead of saying that you buy 16 fl. oz., you would rather pick 1 unit, meaning 1 can of 16 fl. oz. Or suppose that the selling information are defined as 12 units in a package. Selecting 1 unit means that you're buying one package of 12 items. NewtGrocery will then be able to easily display the buying information in the overview.



You can't edit this field, as it will be calculated from the selling and buying quantities and the formats. If you're buying 1 dz. of water bottles, then the buying price will be 12 * the price of a single bottle. Alternatively, if you define the selling format of the item as 1 dozen of eggs, then selecting 0.5 as the buying quantity will result in a buying price half the selling price. The same goes for packages. If you define 8 bagels as a package, then if you buy 0.5 unit, the buying price will also be half the selling price.

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