NewtGrocery Reference 3 - Selling Information


The next section is the Selling Information. The information in this section relate to the selling format that the store is selling you. Like if the eggs are sold by the dozen, the you would configure your item like the following picture. Suppose that the item is a 16 fl. oz. bottle of maple syrup. You would then enter 16 for the quantity, fl. oz. for the format and the price in the remaining field.


The quantity is the number of the unit format that the item is sold in. You can edit the quantities.



The Fmt is the format in which the item is sold. Of the selling format, one item is of particular interest. Selecting the pkg format indicates to NewtGrocery that this item is sold as multiple units in a package, like a dozen of donuts. Sure, you could put 12 units, but it makes more sense 1 package of 12 units. This will determine how the buying information will use the selling information to determine the buying price. It is also useful if you want to compare products that are basically an arbitrary number of units in a single package. Now, suppose that you're buying a bag of bagels and there are 12 in the bag. You would select 12 in the quantity and pkg in the format. The buying info will then use this to determine the price, depending on your quantity and the format. If the items can be bought one by one, then you shouldn't pick the package as the format, as it will just make things harder.

As an example, consider that a dozen of eggs are sold $1.20 by the dozen. You could then define this as 12 units or 1 package of 12 units. If you then pick 0.5 in the quantity, you would get a buying price half the selling price, because the eggs are defined as 1 dozen, or as a package of 12.



That's the selling price. It will be used to determine your final buying price, and the comparison price.

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