Part 1 of 2
between any of your open applications with a small on screen button. 30 day shareware.
Credit: Stand Alone Software.
Backdrop is a backdrop application for Newton devices with OS 2.1 (which means a MP2000,
MP2100, or eMate 300). Advantages? It's small (15K), it's fast, it takes up little heap,
and it's free. This backdrop program includes many features and options including
Anniversary and Birthday warnings and a great 10061 error work-around! The latest version
includes the ability to use pictures for backdrops -- woohoo! Also available: more
options and some fixes. See included readme for usage instructions and update
specifics. Credit: Avi Drissman.
outstanding replacement backdrop for the Newton including multiple customization features
like instant one-button access to extras, notes applications, sound settings, backlight
on/off, desktop icon placement and much more. 30 day shareware. Credit: Stand Alone
Plus gives you full command over the ButtonBar of your MessagePad 2000, allowing small
icons, access to system controls, and multiple sizes. 30 day shareware. Credit: Stand
Alone Software.
beta version of Dash Board fixes a landscape mode bug and now works with Innovative
Computer Solutions' Gesture Launch 3.1 scripting application. Dash Board gives
Newton users instant (and more importantly constant) access to any application installed
or running on the MP. One of the best features is a HWR shortcut box! For instance, if a
user wants to run Calculator while in another app, he only has to write a "C" in
the small text box on the Extras bar and Calculator pops up. The features in this package
are numerous and full -- from glance access to time, battery and memory status, volume,
contrast and backlight controls to a Win95/Start-like popup program menu and user
programmable scripts. The latest version includes a few fixes and screen redraw
enhancements. Credit: FiveSpeed Software.
Tired of
installing 10 small apps for the customized Newton interface you're looking for? If we at
Planet Newton could only recommend one interface package it would have to be FiveSpeed's
new Dash Board. Dash Board gives Newton users instant (and more importantly constant)
access to any application installed or running on the MP. One of the best features is a
HWR shortcut box! For instance, if a user wants to run Calculator while in another app, he
only has to write a "C" in the small text box on the Extras bar and Calculator
pops up. The features in this package are numerous and full -- from glance access to time,
battery and memory status, volume, contrast and backlight controls to a Win95/Start-like
popup program menu and user programmable scripts. The latest version includes a few fixes
and screen redraw enhancements. Credit: FiveSpeed Software.
little extension will add a 'All' button to the Extras Drawer. So you can select all
displayed items with one tap. The most other builtin application have such a function, for
the Extras Drawer it was probably forgotten. Credit: Softwarebüro Müller.
Extras Layout is a small app which installs an
additional button "Layout" in the Extras drawer. After tapping this button you
can modify the spacing for the icons in the extras and in the button bar. Further you can
set the font for displaying the text under the icons. If you have changed something, you
will see the effect instantly. Note that changing the horizontal spacing only will result
in a visible change, if there will fit more or fewer icons in a row. Tap the
"Defaults" button to reset all settings to their default values. Credit: Softwarebuero Meuller.
freeze management for your packages. Freezeman lists all frozen packages and allows you to
group these packages in their own "Extras" drawer. Included are other features,
and an icon editor to assist in creating the custom Extras drawer. 30 day shareware.
Credit: Stand Alone Software.
for the built-in freeze features on your Newton. Freeware. Credit: Stand Alone Software.
little extension will add a 'All' button to the InOut Box. Newton users may select all
displayed items with one tap. Many other built in Newton applications have such a function
but now you can access that overlooked In/Out box with one tap. Now for use with Richard
C.L. Li's System Patch for the -10061 error.
Credit: Softwarebüro Müller.
Alone's Menu Editor lets you create menus for your Newton to do almost anything. You can
make menus for each corner of the Newton's screen, for the popup caret menu in your
NotePad, and extras drawer icon menus you can put in your Button Bar (MessagePad 2000
only). You can use the included Icon Editor to edit the icons of the extras drawer menus,
as well as the icons that appear in the menus. 30 day shareware. Credit: Stand Alone
consists of eight modules to allow a user to selectively add features to the Newton
backdrop. For example, a volume slider may be added to the backdrop screen with the Volume
Module. Modules can be resized and rearranged within the backdrop's window so you can
customize the layout. Selected modules may also be deactivated without removing the module
package. The result is a backdrop application which can be as functional or as lightweight
as you like. NiftyDrop is distributed with a collection of sample modules. These are
Agenda Module, Banner Module, Battery Module, Calendar Module, Clock Module, HeapStatus
Module, ScratchPad Module and Volume Module. Freeware. Credit: Brian Sulcer of
Hyprmynd Software.
NoButtons.nwt - For those of you who haven't yet found the button bar of
their dreams, here comes another offer - noButtons from no|Software. Features - Quick
access to a selected set of applications - Switch between all open applications at will -
now you can access the notepad without quitting from whatever application you are using!
Short code, minimal heap space usage. Ultimate configurability using NewtonScript.
Unfortunately, the last two features come at a price - You need the Newt Development
Environment to do anything useful with this code, because there is no external
configurability and no compiled version.