'61 Memory Fix is a backdrop button to work
around the -10061 memory problem 4 Meg Newton devices face. The Fix is already built into
Avi's Backdrop. Credit: Avi Drissman.
App Memory(tm) is a shareware program for
disposing of unused memory that applications leave behind and thus eating up memory. If
you ever get the "There is not enough memory: Cancel or Reboot" message (who has
not !), then this program is for you. Why does this happen ? Because many applications
don't free up all the memory they use when they quit. Even the built in apps don't. So,
every time you run a different applications some memory gets left behind. Soon, not enough
memory is available for program data. App Memory lets you, the user, select which
applications in your Extra Drawer to free up memory from. So it's safe, gentle, effective,
memory relief. App Memory v2.1 currently runs on NOS 1.x . A
version for NOS 2.x will be available soon. Credit: DMP Systems.
track of free heap via a floating display. Credit: Stand Alone Software.
Saver will reclaim between 5 and 20K of heap memory by removing unused objects from
memory. 30 day shareware. Credit: Stand Alone Software.
Memfree 0.91 - MemFree shows the amount of memory free as reported by
stats() -- that is, the amount of the NewtonScript heap that's free. The number is kept up
to date by a viewIdleScript (as long as the checkbox is checked) and the GC button can be
used to force a garbage collection if you want to know the amount of memory that can be
made free. It's (in my opinion) a mildly annoying aspect of stats() that it prints more
information in the inspector window than it returns as a call. For that reason, if you
have the inspector open while MemFree is running, you will get the output of the stats()
call every 3 seconds. Source code is included.
Memory 1 and 2 - The memory utility provides a way to modify and change
the current frames heap memory. When you run memory it will monitor how much frames heap
is available every .5 seconds and display this information. It will also keep track of the
minimum amount of memory it sees. There are two versions of memory. Memory2 will allow you
to change how much memory is available. This is intended to help developers test for low
memory conditions. You can only load one version of memory at a time. You can test for low
memory conditions in your applications by tapping the down arrow. This will take away an
additional 2000 bytes of memory each time you tap it. You can return this memory by
tapping the up arrow.
MemoryMassager - The prime purpose of this is to call a garbage
collection in your Newton's memory. In theory, such a garbage collection should get rid of
all the dross hanging around, and you may find that this staves off the need to restart
from time to time (when using version 1.02 of the Newton OS). It incidentally includes
information about free and total memory, battery power, and battery compartment
temperature, all of which are available in other tools on the Newton. However, try tapping
on the temperature bar... Everything else should be self-explanatory.
Mini tools - Tools for checking memory and entering Newton Script into
the Newton. Welcome to the Newton mini-tools. This collection of freeware tools will grow
in time. For this first release, there are two different Newton applications for you to
enjoy - Memory Massager - The prime purpose of this is to call a garbage collection in
your Newton's memory. In theory, this should get rid of all the dross hanging around.
NewtonScriptRunner - This is a slightly modified version of one of the demos provided with
the Newton Toolkit. NewtonScript, which is the language used to program Newton systems,
can be compiled and run on the fly, and this little utility allows you to do just this.
PlugIn-API 1.0 - Flash-Data 1.8 or later can be
extended and enhanced through the use of plug-in modules. Plug-in modules are listed in
the plug-in menu at the bottom of Flash-Data's screen and can also be made to run
automatically when Flash-Data starts up, so that they can change Flash-Data's appearance
or operation. A plug-in module should be written as an "Auto Part" that installs
a special frame in the global symbol |FDPlugins:FD:ISIS|. The frame must contain slots
called title, which defines the name as it appears in the plug-in menu, and run, which
getscalled when the menu item is selected. It can also contain an optional slot called
AutoRun, which gets called at certain times. You can also add any additional slots as
needed to store additional data.
Popup places a small button in the status bar of the NotePad which, when tapped, pops up a
list of all installed packages. In addition, if you have any frozen packages (denoted by a
snowflake icon in the menu), you can tap on it to thaw it, launch it and automatically
re-freeze it after you close. At the top or bottom of the menu (depending on your
preference) are three special items that let you rotate the Newton screen, restart the
Newton, or put it to sleep. Alternatively, you can eliminate these from the menu
altogether. 30 day shareware. Credit: Stand Alone Software.
Rebate - Rebate returns some of the memory used on an original Newton
MessagePad when applications are loaded. In that version of Newton, the install scripts
and icon for an application took up place in the working memory or frames heap. Load lots
of applications and the loss of the memory could be significant. Load this application as
the first application in internal memory and you should have more memory. Owners of
MessagePad 100s (and upgraded MessagePads) and 110s do not need this program. By Chris
Christensen. Takes up 3k on the Newton. 2/21/94.
This patch is a solution for the '61 memory problem. Credit: Richard C. L. Li.
StoreInfo 1.0b6 - A Storage Space Monitor for the
Newton. StoreInfo is a simple little application (11K, 0.1K heap) that lives inside a
floating window and monitors the amount of available storage space on the internal and
external stores connected to your Newton. The program is compatible with Newton 1.x and
2.0 systems, and offers users of 1.x users a window is similar to the "Memory
Info" window that is available in the Extras Drawer under Newton 2.0. The advantage
of using StoreInfo, however, is that its window can be displayed at all times on the
screen without using much screen space and it can be easily invoked with a product like
GestureLaunchª from ICS. In addition to reporting the amount of available space on each
store, the Default Store is indicated using a bullet next to the appropriate store and the
Read/Write Status of each store is reported with either a locked or ulocked padlock icon
in StoreInfo's window.